Greedy Boy

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Jungkook gladly bowed at Tae before he walks to the last row where he got a seat to sit. Tae's eyes followed Jungkook's  movement and he  waited  to start his lecture only after Jungkook  got settled on his seat...

" So... let's skip the boring introductions and motivation part... I just want you to know the purpose of my lectures and research lab sessions... even though youu got many senior full time  professors here... 

Why do you think I volunteers to take  lecture sessions when I can just do my research work peacefully... Ofcourse as  you all know... I'm not a regular employee here... so... I don't get salary... Basically... what do you think I  gain raking a subject for you ??"

" Practice??!" A girl from front row said.. Tae just shook his head and moved on..

" To kill time...??!" A boy shouted and giggled..

" To show off your charms!! May be??!" A boy who shouted from the last seat which made the whole class laugh including  Tae...

" Mhhh... May be.... !! But... no one guessed  accurately..." Tae said smiling..

" To gain knowledge  from us...??! " A  sweet voice from back shouted...

" That's  a close one...  Is it Mr. Jeon's voice??!!" Tae asked identifying  the specific  bunny's  voice

" Yes sir... "

" So... As Jeon Jungkook  said... I'm here to acquire new knowledge  from today's  youngsters and also.... I need two active minds to work on my research as my research assistant... this way I can pick some active students without the help of mark sheets to work wihh me  on my research... So... how many of you are interested...?!" Tae asked and almost all girls and some boys raised raised the hand but Taehyung's eyes searched for Jeon's hands but he couldn't  spot them amoung the crowd.

" So... As most of you are willing to volunteer... I will choose two students  in the  end of this month after analyzing   your active participation... Now!! Without wasting time let's move on to the topic... No need to take notes... just consider it as basic introduction..."

" Yes Sir..." Students hums in chorus

" How do you think psychology  related to aroma?? Anyone??" Tae asked and before anyone  Kookie  raised his hands..

" Sometimes  our moods differs according  to various aromas.. for example smell of rain makes us calm... flowers makes us exited... fruits makes us hungry... aromas can control our mood.."

" Well said Jeon! But...Do you think its universal  emotions  or just the emotions  you feel for the exact scent.... ?? Like do you think rain makes everyone calm??!"

" mhhh... I don't know... may be it's just what I feel..." Kookie  hesitantly  said..

" No!! It's universal..." A girl shouted from front..

" That's not nice to interrupt  while another  student is answering.... What's your name??! "

"Minyo.. sir!!"

" Please don't interrupt while another student is answering! " Tae said and continued with Kookie

" You are right in a way Jeon...  it must be your feelings and emotions.... I wonder are you really that meticulous when you figure your feelings and emotions??! Like you know what you exactly feel all the time " Tae asked in surprised tone

" Yes sir!! That's what  I actually  feel..."

" That's really good... impressive!!! How the  the way you figures it right and very confident  about it... okay!!! Anyone else.... ???!! Can anyone else figure your emotion connected to aroma??!" Tae asked... and got various  answers
End of the class...

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