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"Hi dad!" She smiled at her dad, who opened his arms to hug his daughter. "Hey pretty girl! Did everything worked well?" She had to stop at the hotel that Pirelli booked for their employees before coming to silverstone. Eleanor would stay there too. "Yeah. Everything is perfect. My flight was good too. I'm kinda tired but I'm happy to be here as well. It wasn't quite easy to reach the hotel by public transport but everything worked out quite well" She told her dad and laughed. It's the first time that she would visit her dad at work.

Even though she was never interested in motorsports, Thomas used to work at the office most of the time and was finally back at the racetrack. Eleanor had to visit him. He hasn't worked at the actual racetrack since 10 years. From the day when it would be only Eleanor and him, not Eleanor, his wife and him, he stopped travelling for work. Didn't wanted to leave his little girl back all alone. He would have taken her with him but since he had to go to the races already on Wednesdays, she would have missed school. He didn't wanted that.

Eleanor knew how much he missed that. He definitely missed travelling to all the different racetracks all around the world. When she turd 18 she told him to ask his boss if he could start again. They were grateful since Thomas always did such a great job. He's the best at the position. Eleanor wasn't able visit him til today because of covid and university. She wanted to make her dad proud so she spend most of her time studying. He would always be proud, no matter what, but she wanted to see that smile on his face when she could tell him she's a doctor now.
But her biggest motivation is her mum, Margot McRae.

Eleanor just came back from her little trip to capri with her best friend Bella, went to her apartment to change bags and get a quick shower and went all the way to silverstone.

"Let me show you around, alright? I have like one more hour till I'm done for today. They already did practice. We will get dinner after and then you can choose if u wanna join the team with me or getting some rest." Thomas smiled at the blonde girl. She got a few freckles. She also got tanned. Just a bit. She's still really pale but she looked relaxed and a bit more tanned than usual.

El nodded and followed his dad around the Pirelli trucks. He showed her his office in on of them. The people he worked with and explained a bit about the tires.

"Diego, can I have your pass for a bit?" He asked the man he shared his little office in the truck with. It looks kinda luxurious, their truck was a new. Everyone got MacBooks and there is a huge monitor to follow the race.

Diego handed her a pass. She looked at her dad. "Just come with me. Wait.." he took the pass and put it around her neck.

"Is there any team you're interested in?" "Which one do you work with."

Eleanor had no clue. She wasn't interested into motorsports or specifically formula one.

"All of them" he told her. "I actually don't know then." She giggled.

"I'll just show you around. Let's start with McLaren. I actually wanted to go there anyways. I have to talk to them."

When Thomas went into the pit with his daughter right behind him.

He gave the 21 years old girl a quick explanation. It was quite overwhelming for her. She didn't expected so may people just for one car and that much technology.

"Wait, so they have two people and four monitors just for weather check?" Thomas nodded proudly. He may isn't a part of McLaren or any other race team but he's still proud to be a part of this.

"That's so cool!" She didn't really said it loud, still shocked and overwhelmed.

"I'll talk to Zak. Be back in a minute." Eleanor kept looking around and analysing this place.

She thought that the boys all looked really good in their racing suites. Not all of the people in the box were wearing them.Her dad told her it's for safety.

Then she recognised someone in a racing suite that didn't looked like the others. The others looked alike. His was different. More white with the papaya orange. The others were just orange with a few details.

He had a big four in his leg. Also on bis back. He looked cute. He had tanned skin and thick brows. Also curly brown hair. Eleanor McRae was a simp for curly haired boys. And she couldn't stop looking at him.

Of course he didn't noticed her. Eleanor wasn't the girl that got noticed. It's not that she was nearly invisible, it was nearly the opposite. She was a mid size girl. Her thighs were thick, she has a bigger stomach she always tried to hide and most of the time she couldn't finde a cute ring in her size because her fingers were a bit bigger that this if a girl with size 6. El wore size 12 to 14.

She used to be okay with her body, worked out often so she wouldn't gain wait but loosing some wasn't something she was able too.

Her positivity about her body slowly changed when she was dating Hunter. The girl was head over heels for this man. They even moved in together. When she didn't had time to work out as much as usual because she had to study she gained a bit weight. Not much, like 5 kilos, Hunter noticed that too. He started telling her to loose weight, that her thighs looked way bigger and her face looked like she gained 10 kilos. When he cheated...-

"Hey Hun, you're alright? You're staring." Thomas interrupt his daughters thoughts. „Sure. Actually, dad I was thinking... w-why does he has a different race suite. He's actually really cute." Eleanor didn't wanted to tell her Date about their little crush on this unknown boy. She pointed on Lando Norris so her dad knew who she's talking about.

„That's Lando. He's the driver for our team." Zak Brown answered Eleanor's question. „I'm Zak by the way." he greeted his friends daughter. „Hi, it's Eleanor." she smiled at the middle age man. She felt the heat in her face, probably turning all red after she realised she just told Zak Brown, a man she just met, that a driver for this team is cute.

„Zak and I already worked together years ago when he was still a racing driver. So we're old friends." Thomas explained. „I think we already met, Eleanor." Eleanor didn't recognised Zak. „I forgot, it was your dads 40th birthday. You were probably like 10 years old or something." Zak laughs and Eleanor still didn't remembered him but she was 12 years old. How could she.

„So you think he's cute?" Thomas asked his daughter. „I-I never said that. I-I have like no-no idea how you come up with that.." she stumbled. „That okay, Kiddo. He's a good choice" he laughed. „I should set you up. You know, birth control is expensive. There should be a reason that you have to take it and pay for that stuff." Thomas laughed.

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