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It was her first ever Grand Prix but the girl was completely in love with this sport. She may didn't understood everything but she enjoyed it.

„Just come whenever you want. We will book you a flight, honey. I love having you by my side." Thomas told his daughter as she confessed how exciting this weekend was.

Eleanor sat next to her dad as they drove back to the hotel. „So, tell me, Ellie. Are you going to the after party? I will give you a ride." he looked at his daughter, than back to the street.

Of course she told him about Landos invitation. She just had to.

"I don't know. I mean it's not really my lifestyle, is it? All those famous drivers. It's..-"
Thomas nodded, he totally understood.
„I mean he told me everyone would be there. Celebrating Carlos Sainz' win."

Lando finished the British Grand Prix 2022 with the sixth place. He still wanted to celebrate, he wasn't totally happy with P6, but he was fine with it. Yet he's incredible happy for his friend Carlos.

„Sounds like he really wants you to be there. You know, I'll bring you there and as soon as you want to leave I'll pick you up. It's not far away from the hotel, it won't take me long to get you."

„But you know how bad I feel when you have to pick me up." the blonde girl looked at her fingers. Her left hand playing with the hairband on her right wrist.
Thomas knew that she sometimes thought it's a burden that she didn't drive with other people. Not even with taxi drivers. It's him and him only. Or the tube.

„It's okay, kiddo. It's not a big deal. I just want you to have a great evening. And you know, when you call me to pick you up and you're not alone... just tell me before on the phone so I'm not surprised"

Eleanor covered her head with her hands, „I..- DAD!"

She heard her dad laughing. „as I told you, I want you to have a great night, if it means that I have to pick you and Lando up then..-" „STOP IT!" she shouted.

Eleanor isn't into one night stands and would never have sex with someone easily. She's too afraid to show someone her naked body even though she would enjoy having sex again. Maybe just once in her life having good sex.

„I don't even have anything to wear. I don't know what to wear." it's not really true. If she puts a few things together, she would have a good party fit but is it a good formula one afterparty fit?

„Did u asked him already what to wear?" „no, I could text him but..." Eleanor stated nervously biting her lips when Thomas parked at their hotel.

„But?" „what if he just wanted to be friendly and didn't really mean to invite me?"

Thomas knew his daughter had commitment issues, he just hoped there would finally be someone helping her getting over it. Showing his beautiful daughter that she's an incredible person to be with.

„Just go for it, Honey. You will regret it if you won't join him."

Maybe he's right, maybe she should just go for it.

Eleanor.mre: Hi lando, do u still want me to join?

It didn't took him long to text back.

Landonorris: sure, I'd be happy if you're my plus one!x

She had an incredible feeling in her stomach. It felt weird. She didn't knew if she liked it. It scared her.

"Just wear something comfy, you can even wear jeans, don't have to be something fancy. Oh dad, that didn't help me. I'll just tell him I have explosive diarrhoea. That might be the truth sooner or later, I'm so nervous." Even though Eleanor chuckled, it's the truth. She already felt her stomach grumbling. "What about a black jeans and that white silk blouse? Did you bring it with you?" Thomas was actually kinda scared his daughter would really cancel her plans so he tried everything to make her go.

He knew she studies a lot, her trip to capri was the first time she went on vacation since 4 years. She nearly never takes a break from studying. She wanted good grades and she can't wait to be a doctor, a surgeon. He really hoped that she would make it. She always used to be a straight a student and he just wanted it to pay off. He wanted her to actually work on her dream job. He knew it would make her happy. Maybe even help her a bit more with dealing with the death of her mom, his wife. Gosh, how much they both miss her.

"But does it looks like I'm going to an after party?" Eleanor nervously asked her dad as he picked her up at her hotel room. „It does. You look really beautiful, Ellie." he looked at her with a lovely smile. Sometimes, when he looks at her, he could see his wife when she was younger.

„Thanks dad. I-I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Eleanor nervously bites on her lips, where she wore her favoured chapstick. It's cherry flavoured and hat a bit of Color.

„It's alright, I promise you." „he wanted to pick me up. I told him that you don't want me do drive with people we don't really know. I hope that alright?" she asked her dad. Didn't wanted to already tell Lando her trauma.

„It's not even a lie. I would have to talk to him and tell him to drive safe before you ever get into his car." Thomas knew that his daughter will never drive with anyone else then him but he hoped that it will happen one day. And if this day comes, he will tell that boy to be careful.

As soon as Thomas stopped the car in from of the club, both saw the curly haired boy walking towards them. „he waited for me" Eleanor noticed, was actually talking to herself. „Of course he did. Told you he's a good one." Thomas was kinda proud that he was right. Just hoped that Lando wouldn't play with her heart. He would never, would he?

„Hi." Eleanor didn't knew what to say as soon as the Brit opened her door for her and let her out of the car. Should she hug him? Should she wait what he will do? There are plenty of reasons why she haded meeting new people and this awkward situation is a good example. „Hey Eleanor, I'm really happy you're here." the boy smiled and Eleanor could feel that weird feeling in her sonach again. Oh fuck, she thought. I'm whipped.

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