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Eleanor was already awake when she heard a knock on her door. It's probably just her dad, making sure she's in good conditions.

She was really drunk yesterday. Didn't throw up and didn't had a black out but was definitely hangover.

She got up from her bed, it was 10 in the morning. Her dad and her would check out at 2 pm. Eleanor never slept in when she drunk alcohol. The longest she's able to sleep is probably 9:30 am.

„Hey Dad, don't worry, I'm not too hang..-" she couldn't finish her sentence because it wasn't her dad. Or Thomas McRae got curly hair over night and now looks like a 5th 8 inches tall 22 years old racing driver.

„Hi El." He hasn't called her El before. But she liked it. She knew it's her new favourite nickname. Only her dad called her Ellie. But she would love it if Lando would continue to call her Ellie or El.
„Hi, well I..- I don't excepted you to be here.."

Her face turned red as soon as she realised she only wore her shirt with no bra and a shorts. Her shirt had a Mickey Mouse print and her shorts are the ones she got with 12 at primark, one direction written all over. Her hair was in a messy bun and her mascara probably left a few dark spots under her eyes. She took her makeup off but didn't care if her mascara is fully off at three in the morning. No one would see her like this. Well, the blonde one was wrong.

„I got breakfast for us. I wanted to get breakfast with you anyways and I noticed that you drunk some red wine yesterday. Two glasses so I figured out you're probably hangover. Those pancakes are the best thing to fight a hangover."  he noticed? He cared? He listened?

„I'll introduce you to everyone. But to you want to drink anything first?" he asked as his hand wrapped around hers and he walked through the small club. He told himself that he just wanted to hold her hand so she wouldn't get lost but he liked it. A lot. „Yeah, sure." she just hoped that her hands aren't too sweaty. It made her nervous, her hand tingled where his touched hers.

„Hey, can I get a..- what do you wanna drink, Eleanor?" The blonde looked onto the card. "I guess I'll go with a Raspberry Cider" "and a Guinness, please" he told the bartender. "Don't ask me why but I thought you're more a cocktail girl." He confessed. „I am. Actually I'm a vino girly but if I drink more that one glass red wine I'll have a huge hangover the next day and nearly all the cocktails here are with gin or vodka. I don't know how much gin or vodka I can drink and I don't know how it affects me, to be honest."
Eleanor didn't liked drinking and losing control over her body. It was her biggest fear so she only drinks the type of alcohol she already drunk.

After a few hours and one glass of red wine, Lando even started to tell the bartender what to mix so Eleanor would have a better option than to drinking another glass of red wine. It took him 20 more minutes to be a bartender himself.
„There you go, gorgeous" he said when he gave Eleanor the drink he mixed. She chuckled. She liked the effort he put into it, made sure she had a great night.

„Lando, new job? I guess p6 mad you rethink your career. Part time f1 driver, fulltime bartender?" Eleanor heard an Australian accent. She adored Australia but never made it there. Couldn't wait to see kangaroos, koalas and the beautiful beaches one day.

"Yeah exactly, maybe you should do that too, mate." The curly haired boy said with a smirk on his lips while he got back next to his plus one. He looked down on her while she looked at the Australian. He admired her beauty. Her cheekbones looked even sharper in this dark light.

"That's Eleanor by the way." He said as he looked away from her and to his teammate.

Eleanor got along pretty well with the people she talked too. She even got along with the drivers girlfriends. It was her biggest fear. Being here with all the beautiful girls that probably work or couldn't word as models. She wasn't as pretty as them, didn't had a flawless skin. She just hoped that they wouldn't judge her, or even Lando for bringing her with him.

"Eleanor, should we leave? You look tired." It's true, Eleanor was tired. It was already three in the morning. But the way he said it made her nervous. Should we leave, does he expect her to come with him? She wouldn't. It's not her thing. Maybe she believed too much in the good of people to not realised that he's too good to be true. Maybe if they stayed longer he would be too tired to wanting to take her to bed. He didn't tried to get in her pants yet, the only thing he did was holding her hand or laying his hand on her back. Not even as low that he would accidentally touch her ass.

"I..- it's okay. I'm having a good time. Maybe..- I..-" she stumbled and the Brit realised that he might said something wrong. Did he?

"I will get myself a taxi to go to my place, I will make sure we stop at your hotel so you don't have to take a taxi on your own. I want you to be safe." He said and he saw that it made her even more nervous. What did he do wrong, he asked himself.

"It's okay, my dad will pick me up and.. I..-" she played with her hands and started yawning. "You're tired, Eleanor. I'll call you dad to pick you up and get myself a taxi. I will wait until he's here." She realised that he isn't mad. She isn't used to that. "I..- well if it's okay for you. I mean you can stay and I can wait on my own, that's not a problem." She started biting her lips, don't destroy those beautiful lips, Lando thought.

"Darling, I'm tired too. I don't mind. I wouldn't have such a good time without you." He put his hand on her right cheek and his thumb brushed over her cheekbone. She loved that feeling. It was intense, she felt sparkles. God, she loved and hated that so much.

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