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Eleanor was still nervous, didn't knew what to say to him. He was too, but when Eleanor gets quite while being nervous, Lando is the type of person that talks nonstop when being nervous.

"You're a university student, arent you?" Lando asked as soon as Thomas introduce both of them and he and his daughter ordered their drinks.
"That's right, I am a medical student." She proudly told him and saw the smirk on her fathers lips.

Lando asked a bit more about her medical studies. He was quite impressed when she told him she studies at Oxford and will probably be doing a semester abroad. She didn't knew if it's going to be Singapore or Copenhagen. She also has the possibility to go to Cape Town but she's a bit worried about her safety and so is Thomas.

Thomas travelled a lot when he was younger. Even went to Kenia, Namibia and Ghana as a volunteer. He did travelled to South Africa too and knew it's a beautiful country his daughter would enjoy it, but he knew how much could happen to her. He can't loose her too. He already lost her mother. The love of his life.

Lando had a smile on his lips the hole time. Her eyes lit up as she told him all about her studies and her semester abroad and he knew he loved how passionate she is about it.

It didn't took Eleanor long to relax while taking to the boy she thought is incredible handsome. She was still kinda nervous, her hands were still sweaty and she was afraid she would say something that makes her look stupid.

"He's cute, Bella. He was really interested in the stuff I told him. And..-" as soon as Eleanor was back in the hotel, she called her best friend Bella. She wanted to tell her about the boy she met, couldn't continue cause her full attention was on the Instagram notification she just got. "He just send me a follow request."

While she was still talking to her best friend, Eleanor went to her own Instagram profile. Of course she had to check her posts and highlights again to see if she had to change anything before accepting his follow request. She didn't wanted him to think she's a weirdo because of any stories she saved in her highlights.

favourite people

she loved her highlights. Eleanor may not have lots of friends, which meant that the 'favourite people' highlight is mostly her best friend Bella, but also a few stories of other friends.
she loved travelling even though she didn't do it often. She still had her travel stories saved in her places highlight.
Eleanor ist pretty shy and doesn't post her own face often. She was insecure about her skin. She still has a few selfies saved.
Even though she doesn't do horse riding anymore, she still has her highlight with diabolo.

After she checkt everything, she accepted his request. She was so nervous. Even if it was just an Instagram follow.

Eleanor wakes up way too early for a Saturday but she wanted to join her dad for breakfast before they would head out to the race track.

She went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.
She finally decided to dye her brows and eyelashes again a week ago so she didn't had to wear much makeup. Her skin is in good condition at the moment, thanks to the salty water in the ocean back in capri.

She god dressed with a skinny jeans and a black shirt. Topping it with her favourite cardigan. It's probably going to be cold, like 17 degrees, it's the UK. And it it's not, she could just walk around without the cardigan.

She finally wore her dr martens again. She loved those shoes.

She felt alive again and before she left the hotel room, she picked up her phone.

When she saw the Instagram notification, she couldn't keep it in her hands and it felt down on the floor.

Landonorris: Hi Eleanlor :) how long are you staying at silverstone? I was wondering if you'd like to join the after party on Sunday?

Did he really slid into her dms?

She couldn't even answer, yet she didn't really opens it so he wouldn't think he was left in read. She took a screenshot and send it to her best friend bella to ask what she should text back.

"Did u slept well, kiddo?" Her dad asked the blonde as she stepped out of the elevator. "Sure, I hella love hotel beds" it's the truth. She loved staying at a hotel. She didn't liked to get ready there because she always felt like the lights aren't good and it's just not like the small makeup space she had at home but she liked the feeling of waking up and being somewhere else.

She had some yoghurt with fruits, a bagel with Nutella and a bowl of strawberries for breakfast.

"I can get used to that. Maybe I should change my degree and do something where I have to travel often." She joked and her dad laught in response. "Or you could just date a British f1 driver which is, as I hear u saying, hella cute" her dad didn't wanted to embarrass her, that's their kind of Humor.

"DAD!" she looked at him with wide eyes. "What? It would mean you get to travel to the gps"


Hi there!
I hope you like wingman so far. :)

I was wondering if you could give me a quick feedback if you like the type of point of view.

Today was the Qatar gp. What a sick race but the way it had such high impact on everyone's health...

Hope everyone is ok.

And I hope you have a great day!

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