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Thomas knew that he was right. "And than you had breakfast with him?" Thomas asked his daughter. "Exactly. It's kinda weird, isn't it? I feel some kind of comfort when he's around." Thomas smiled while still looking at the street. "That's not weird, Eleanor. That's the kind of feeling people should give you."

Eleanor started looking outside. It's rainy today. The hole world looked grey at the moment. Kinda like her mood. Even though she had breakfast with the most handsome and lovely boy she ever met a few hours ago, she was in a bad mood. A mix between sadness and disappointment.
She isn't sad or even disappointed because of Lando Norris, she's sad and disappointed because of herself.
Eleanor McRae is a typical overthinker. She overanalyses everything and always expects the worst to happen, yet she always believes in the good in people. A thing she sometimes shouldn't do.

"What wrong, kiddo?" Of course Thomas noticed how dejected his daughter is. "It nothing, dad. It's nothing." Thomas knew that this is not true but he didn't wanted to push her. "If you want to talk, just come to me. Deal?" Eleanor nodded and continued to look outside the window.

Eleanor isn't afraid of this odd feeling he gave her. She isn't afraid of new love. She's afraid of old pain.

Is it even a good idea to think about Lando as a new love interest, she thought.
She couldn't deny that Lando is unbelievable attractive. Not only by the way he looked but also by the way he acted. She liked that he's funny, a bit childish but still calm.
Lando is a hole different league. She isn't his type, will never be. She should put that thought of them  together out of her head. Maybe they can be friends. Nothing else.

It's been three days since Lando and Eleanor had breakfast. They haven't really texted each other. Just some casual texting. Eleanor knew what that meant. He wasn't really that interested in her. And that's why she had to put her thought aside and spend some time with her best friend. She needed a girls night more than anything. She needed Bella. She immediately texted her best friend.

Eleanor: any plans for tonight?

Bella: no, what are we gonna do?

That's the reason why she loved her best friend.

Eleanor: I need some time off. Let's go to Reading?

Of course Bella said yes. They planed on meeting at six by the tube station. Eleanor already planed her fit and forgot about the British racing driver. Exactly what she wanted. Forgetting him.
She needed to think about what's going on but first of all she needed some time off. is it even her falling for him or does she just like the attention she gets?
She didn't even knew him long enough, didn't knew if it's just him. Maybe he's always flirty or just his version of being friendly?
She needed to know him a bit better, maybe she needed distance. Eleanor didn't know what she needed, maybe Bella would.

It's nearly the same with Lando. It scared him that he liked her. He never believed in love at the first sign but she was special. He knew the moment he first saw her that she's gorgeous. He immediately texted Max, his best friend, end when he called him to meet up as soon as possible the only thing max said was that there's always that one person that you've had feelings for since the moment you first met them. That was the same with him and his girlfriend, Pietra. It didn't really helped Lando. He's an old school lover, he needed to knew the person before wanting a girl by his side. He wanted to date someone with the thought of growing old together. Maybe getting married. Just dating to have someone around for a short time without seeing them in his future was waisted time.
Eleanor wasn't his type. He never dated a blonde one before. His type use to be brunettes with dark eyes and tanned skin. Just like Luisinha. His ex. Both broke up a few months ago. They didn't really got along lately and so they both decided to break up. He was totally over it. Would be ready for someone else.
Ready for someone different maybe. There ist something about Eleanor's eyes, the ocean blue eyes, as soon as he looked into her eyes he found his new favourite color.
He loved how smart she was, she's a badass.
He couldn't get Eleanor out of his head but she seemed off. Texted back late which lead to texting twice a day. He knew what that meant, she wasn't really interested in him. Maybe she was at first, he didn't knew but it seems like she got to know him and now she's not as interested as she was. Maybe it's something he did, or something he said. Maybe she just go tired of him.
He hated dating in 2022. Girls are into one night stands or want him so he would post them, they want to be influencers and needed follower. Or just money. The girls didn't liked him for the person he is.
Dating apps, friend with benefits and Situationships. It's ridiculous. He just wanted a good girl, he wanted a girl that would join him and his family for Christmas. He wanted a girl that supported him. He wanted someone that sticked by his side through thick and thin.

"So you're not really texting anymore?" Bella asked her best friend who shakes her had to signal her a no. "Show me your chat." And that's what Eleanor did. She gave the ginger haired girl her phone.

"Wait, you still text on Instagram?" Bella couldn't believe her eyes. "We do." It wasn't a big deal for Eleanor. At least that's what she thought while sitting next to her best friend in the tube.

Both girls went out for dinner at Gordon Ramsay Street Burger and went to the nearby bar to get some Aperol. It was just short after ten pm when both girls decided it's time to head back to Oxford. Maybe they had a bit too much aperol. They weren't drunk but a bit tipsy. And it's okay even though it's only Thursday.

"Wait, what are you tipping?" Eleanor panicked and nearly jumped onto her best friend as she saw that the ginger typed something.

"I hope you choke" The blonde finally got her phone back and count believe her eyes when she wasn't able to see what her best friend did because she got a FaceTime call. An unknown number.

„Didn't expect him to be that fast."

„What did you do, Isabella?" whenever Eleanor used Bella full name, it's no fun. Bella knew it. „Just answer the danm call."

„Hi Ellie." Eleanor heard him saying while she was shocked to see his face.


I guess you already know who called? What did Bella texted him?

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