Chapter 2:Introducing

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You didn't know how long you both were hugging but you heard small footsteps outside the room but you and the boy did not dare let go of each other.

The door slowly opened and someone screamed to the top of her lungs and you heard a glass break which alerted you and the boy you both let go of each other.

"Y/N YOUR AWAKE!!" A girl with with deep blue eyes and straight black hair with a parted fringe, and twin-tails said.

Her eyes were wet and she sniffed and then finally closed her eyes and cried and hugged you tightly which you hugged back not minding the tears in her.

You heard other footsteps outside the room and three young girls looked at you and cried and hugged you too just as the girl who was hugging you let go of you.

There was also another person just outside your door but he was wearing a mask and a uniform similiar to the boy that you just hugged without the haori and was also teary.

After a few minutes their crying finally stopped and you started to speak "I'm sorry but..." you paused looking at everyone faces. "I don't remember anything" You said.

Everyone's reaction to your words weren't a surprise to them. The girl that screamed when she arrived at the room deeply sighed "Well I guess its time to re-introduce ourselves! I am Aoi Kanazaki"

"Sumi, Kiyo and Naho" She pointed at the three girls who are starting to cry again

"And Giyuu Tomioka" Aoi pointed at the boy.

As she finished saying his name a new person came in and you were met with gentle eyes of a dark lilac color that are framed by thick eyelashes. She has thin black hair, worn tied into a ponytail on the right side of her head.

"And that's Kanao" Aoi said completely ignoring the other person who was wearing a mask which didn't say anything at all.


They re-introduced you again to the Butterfly Mansion and explained to you that the reason why you are there is because you fought a demon that had a very strong poison to you which needed close medical attention and the mansion was the closest. It is able to remove your memories which is why you did not remember anything about you at all other than your name.

"That demon used to be part of the twelve kizuki, I don't know if it's alive or dead... It was you who fought that demon. It was lucky I found your unconscious body at sunrise. There was no demon so it must be dead" Giyuu said to you. You both were walking around the mansion both your shoulders touching as if it was out of habit.

"Your rank is Kanoto in the demon slayer ranks. You started your training a year ago and many saw your talent that is close to a Hashira which is why your my Tsuguko" Giyuu said the last part with his face burning at the my but you didn't seem to notice.

"Tsuguko?" You asked confused

"Your my Apprentice and the designated successor of being the Water Hashira" Giyuu said and you nodded.

"So that means, I'm very skillful" You concluded and Giyu nodded.

"What about others? You know... My relationships and families" You asked and from the look on Giyuu's face he does not have an answer

"I don't know... You don't really talk about your family. Then again the conversation was never really brought up... But maybe Master Urokod-" But he was interrupted by a crow

"Demon in the western mountains!" The crow said loudly and repeatedly

The crow was familiar although it did startle you. It was probably saying that Giyuu needed to go to the western mountains and kill that demon.

"Let me come with you" You said but Giyu gave you an immediate death glare. If looks could kill...

"No. Stay here and regain back all your strengths. Your not ready to fight yet" Giyuu said then disappeared.

You looked at where he just came from in a long period of time. You only spend atleast less than 2 days in the mansion and you only wielded a wooden sword for training.

You knew how to fight. Your body was used to it. You knew what was the right position in fighting. How to launch yourself and everything else.

But then again you still have no clear memory at all. You sighed and went to your designated room


It's been more than a week and Giyuu still hasn't come back to the butterfly mansion.

Every training you did was amazingly graceful and easy to you, to the fact that you are able to get out of the place and actually kill demons that were close by the state.

Holding a sword was easy and familiar but somehow there was something missing. When you held a sword. It was as if you were recently been using another weapon other than a sword...

Everyone recommended and suggested that you stay and wait for Giyuu because it would be better to have a familiar and trustful companion.

Although there was something deeper in their words. As if they want to say more but just can't

Shinobu also explained that if he comes back he can bring you to Master Urokodaki who might be able to help you bring back your memories and give you more stronger training.

"You told me that you have been training for more than a year. That's the only past knowledge you told me before. You don't talk about your family or anything else really. You are mostly just quiet but always smile at the times" Shinobu told you.

You both were walking down a forest it was just sunrise after you both killed a demon close by.

After everyone you met by far they all don't really have many memories and connections with you. It was just you passing by and waving at them but nothing else although you still do talk to them and try to make connections from time to time now.

Every place you see and feel. It was just too familiar like a sense of deja vu but not so strong.

You looked at Shinobu who was just walking next to you. She tried the best she could to tell you as much as memories she had with you which was all just her healing and fighting beside you which was only once.

But somehow, you noticed that there was more to it in detail, as if she was hiding something else, something important when you both fought off that demon.

You always noticed her smile in the lips as if it was just there for show, like a permanent mask
that just stays in her face without feelings

But that was all in her face. You sensed something else in her. A sense of guilt, anger and pain. Something that her face never showed.

And somehow deep down and just at the back of your head, you knew why.

You stopped walking and she stopped walking too and looked at you. The smile in her lips unmoving.

"You know Shinobu-chan I get this feeling that there is something not right. It's like something is bothering you quite deeply. And it's frustrating because I knew what it is but now it feels like it's nothing, But I do sense it" You said trying to explain.

Shinobu's smile started to move lower into a line and her eyes were shining. She looked down at the ground

"Yes. Y/n-kun there is something bothering me" Then the line in her mouth started to smile more genuinely this time.

"At the time before we fought the demon you saw straight through me and asked what was bothering me" Just as when she finished that sentence. You felt a strong stab that hit your head.

You flinched and your vision started to blurry until everything was white, but after a few seconds the white blurred into a different scenery.

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