Chapter 20: Jinguru

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It felt like an overwhelming wave surge through you. You let yourself take in her face, she was so familiar. Even this room felt right. You know this room in the distant past.

She smiled sadly at you. "I didn't expect you'd be the one to kill Tio" She said sadly.

You looked at her. You knew who she meant. The demon you killed. Who was also your uncle. Tio meant uncle in spanish. Was she half spanish?

She looked at you and she knew you were confuse with everything happening.

"You don't remember anything do you? It's me. Y/n. Iragano, Your cousin. You know. My mom? Your dad and Tio's sister?" Iragano said desperately trying to make you remember.

The name Iragano clicked the side of your brain it started to ache alot, so much for your luck, you didn't remember anything.

Iragano kept pressing on "Our heritage. We're ninjas y/n! You were supposed to be the next successor for the Jingurus, but you choice to be a swordsman. Do you remember why? Please y/n!"

You just looked at her with confused and disappointed eyes. It was already very frustrating. Iragano only did a small smile with disappointing eyes. She expected something. You felt her aura coursing through your body.

Her presence was something familiar, something comforting. You felt like crying. At the ache of your head and heart. Just looking at those emerald green eyes made you feel overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry" Iragano said sadly. The tears slowly falling down in her face. She sniffed and wiped them away facing the otherside of the wall. Not daring to look at you.

You wanted to scream. Hug her. Tell her that it's alright. It wasn't her fault. This wasn't her fault.

"If I was there to protect you when you lost everything" She said slowly. Her voice almost cracking.

"No." You whispered. It was low. Inaudible. A faint whisper.

"I don't remember everything, but this was-"

"You've done so much progress. Already created a new life. Is it worth your old one?"

It rang through your head. It started to haunt your mind.

-this was supposed to be the demon's fault.

Is it worth your old one?

This was all your fault.

"I don't know why. But I chose this" You said quietly. A faint whisper. A little scared whisper.

Iragano just yelled and threw a small knife at your side. It didn't hit you at all but you felt the knife's surface passed you and the it hit the hall creating a small crack.

"This is- We can't! I should've been there-" Iragano looked mad. Tears falling down her head. Her deathening aura surged around your surroundings.

You tried to test the ropes binding your hand. You didn't plan in escaping, but you needed to. Leaving Iragano like this could start arson.

You flipped your hand from side to side. Finding the core of the tie. Testing it's tightness. You moved your fingers in a synchronized way. Undoing the knot.

One finger to another.

Jinguru, Jingle in english. Our last name

Y/n Jinguru. Your original name. Born to be a ninja, learned to live in the shadows, and had the skills of an assassin

The knot slowly started to untie and your hands were almost free

Y/n L/n. A swordsman, slaying demons and saving humans.

You undid the knot and tried to hug Iragano. Binding her with your own body and force.

She didn't try to fight back and cried in your arms. THe room was filled with Daggers piercing inside the walls and some broken glass from a vase, with blue forget-me-not flowers laid in the floor. She was trying not to hit you. 

You looked around the room. It all felt so familiar. Everything slowly became clear. You closed your eyes and you were unable to breathe... Your father... A demon. Master Urokodaki? Does he know? Many questions raced through your mind.

Slowly in a deep breath she let go and the two of you separated. It felt like the silence was deafening in your head.

"I don't know" You whispered. It felt close. Finally the lump was back in your throat. The tears felt easy now. You pushed it all back. Unable to acknowledge on what the hell are you going to do.

"Prince Crystal. It was the last thing your father created for you." Iragano said slowly going around the room and taking her daggers back.

"Where are we?" The voice sounded like a little child. A scared little child trying to be brave.

"Grandpa Fig's house" Iragano said slowly, Taking a dagger from the wall with a broken vase and flowers were laying right below it. Grandpa Fig. The old man you met in Bell Jingle.

"I'm so sorry we are reunited in these circumstances. But Grandpa Fig said there was no point anymore. Are you alright?" Iragano said fixing herself and looking at you.

You looked back at her. She looked a little spanish, Maybe she her mom is spanish. 

"I don't know" You said. Whispering the neutral feeling. It felt confusing. Everything felt confusing. So hard to comprehend.

"We used to be ninjas, I trained you for as long as I can remember when Grandpa Fig can't anymore." She said taking the blue flowers in the floor.

When she finally stood up and fixed the flowers did she finally said. "Your boyfriend was almost close to the truth."

It was a faint whisper, yet it was confident. Completely sure of what she was saying.

It felt like an overwhelming clash inside your heart. Not because she said that Giyu Tomioka was close to the truth.

It was because she acknowledged him as your boyfriend.

Are you delusional? Very. Are you okay with it? Maybe?

It felt like your heart was doing summersaults, backflips moving back and fourth. Not because of the person who kept so many secrets from you knows the truth.

Noooo, It's because Iragano just said that he was your boyrfriend.

When you felt like you were going to say something when a sudden explosion was created through the door.

The place was suddenly surrounded by dust and the it went inside your lungs that almost made you cough. Out of instinct you covered your mouth to stop the dust and tried to use the other hand to fan out the dust surrounding you. Your eyes were half opened, you couldn't see clearly because of the dust.

When the place was starting to get more clearer you saw a sudden big blue dash around the room and in an instant a strong hand pulled you into a very muscular body and you both dashed out of the place in a matter of seconds.

Unforgettable? (Giyu Tomioka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now