Chapter 5: Old City

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The demon was just not only living and feeding in a small town. Rather is was staying at a city

The place was new and unfamiliar to you. But deep down you felt a sense of deja vu. As if you were looking for a demon too in the city before.

You and Giyu stayed close together. Both your shoulders touching. Your sword was placed at the back of your belt and covered by your blue hoari.

Even at the night the city was still full of lights and busy people walking around. Somehow you weren't surprised about it. As if you lived at the city before

You knew that. You knew you lived at the city but you forgot which one. Everything was unfamiliar here so it wasn't exactly this city.

Not only did you had a feeling that you lived in the city but you also had that sense of deja vu which was strong.

As if you traveled to a city to find a demon with Giyu before

You don't know how you know this but you just knew. The feeling of deja vu was strong especially when your with Giyu right now.

"Have we tried to find a demon in the city?" You asked Giyu quietly. It took him time to answer back but he nodded

"It wasn't at this city exactly, it was somewhere around the western cities but yes, we did find a demon in the city before."

As he finished that sentence you felt that same familiar stab in your head again. You almost collapsed and Giyu caught you immediately and your vision of the city right now started to blur into white.

Slowly the white vision started to clear into a picture of another city. It was another city and you were walking beside Giyu through the city with one objective on mind.

Find and kill the demon.

You both were wearing the Demon Slayer joggers but both your shirts were different.

Giyu was wearing a silky red shirt and his usual hoari while you were wearing a c/s clothing with your hoari too.

You both were intensely close to each other to the fact that your hands were intertwined with each other. You blushed at it, looking at your hands pressed into the other.

Out of all the times you would have a vision-memory it had to be now. You thought sarcastically.

Slowly you both walked forward looking around for any leads about the demon lurking around.

Suddenly Giyu stopped dead and you did the same. Your senses was not as good at Giyu's but the more concentrated breaths you took the more you realized that the demon you both have been looking for was just a few feet away from both of you.

You felt the weapon in your belt but it wasn't a sword. It was literally a chained belt in your hips.

It was an extendable nunchuck. You were a bit surprised but then you did realized that you had this sort of feeling when you used a sword it felt somewhat not right. As if there was another weapon you were much better at using.

A nunchuck. You thought. Was it really a surprise or not? You did have some background knowledge about weapons though. Nunchucks was supposed to be used by ninjas and demon slayers are swordsmen. So why would you use a nunchuck as a weapon if you were a swordsman?

Although you already had an answer to that. The nunchuck has a sharp blade hiding inside the handles that can extend if you wanted to. Like a sword

You wondered why no one not even Giyu told you that your signature weapon was a deadly nunchuck.

Slowly you and Giyu walked forward to the two demons.

They looked nothing like demons. Just normal siblings standing down at the porch of a building

The boy was about the age of an 18 year old and somehow looked like a model with pitch black deadly eyes with average clothing.

The sister on the other hand was like a child-like angel. She looked to be about on her 8 years. Her kimono was blood red and white and her black hair was tied into pigtails and her black gaze looked completely naive and innocent.

You knew better though, they were both demons. Both looking so young and innocent but pure evil and deadly.

Your grip on Giyu's hand tightened as you both slowly approached the two siblings who were just looking around that looked almost exactly like normal human beings.

Giyu pressed your hand and relaxed trying to reassure you which it worked.

You both slowly walked towards the demon siblings.

And everything happened so fast in a fracture of a second.

The two siblings looked at both of you and you both gave them a deadly glare.

The boys glare was shock but slowly turned into a deadly smirk while the little girl looked just the same with her innocent and dull eyes.

The two siblings spread their legs ready to attack in the middle of the crowd.

You and Giyu immediately ran pass them. Your hand never separating his.

You both ran through the crowd and the siblings followed. You ran direction through another direction unsure of which path leads to what but you both knew your destination would be somewhere deserted.

Some people you both bumped into shouted but you ignored them and kept running through directions going looking around and ran through the paths that had less people.

You both still ran until some light was barely seen. Some sketchy people walked around the place but you all ignored each other.

You knew the demons were chasing both of you. Obviously the demon can already tell that Giyu was a Hashira and if they kill Giyu they would be one of the strongest demons.

You clenched your hand on Giyu's at the thought. You will never let Giyu die in the hands of a demon.

You looked through an alleyway and saw some stairs leading at the roof of the building giving you and idea.

You and Giyu can escape the city and go to the near by forest and kill the demon there. All you just needed was high ground.

You pulled Giyu through your hand and pulled him into the stairs which Giyu immediately understood.

You both ran up the stairs in sync until you both reached the roof and started jumping through roof-to-roof faster and more affective.

You saw some trees and small houses above the building. Your were much more higher and agile at jumping that Giyu could not keep up.

Much to your disappointment Giyu let go of your hand and ran faster while you just jumped higher.

Giyu was much more faster and stronger in the ground. All swordsmen's are better at being in the ground.

But somehow you were different. You are able to make your body feel light as a feather and leap through things as high as you can unlike most swordsmen do. You were much more faster and better when you leaped then being at the ground.

As you leaped through another building a sudden flying deadly claws from a human hand reached for your side and you barely had time to dodge.

The sharp claws reached your arms and gave it a deep cut while the other reached for your back which grabbed your chains covered by your hoari.

The flying demon took you and with a super sonic blast it flew with you through the night.

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