Chapter 16: Disgusting Liquids

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The monster was about to slash at you but Giyu did his signature move Dead calm.

Giyu slashed with the water affect in his sword and his sword slashed through the monster making the monster struggle a little. Then all of the sudden Giyu did another water form Constant flux. His speed became deadly with his sword slashing through the monster who was sizzling alot making its attack slobby and slow.

You immediately ran to the door and opened it wide. You found nothing but just a storage room but then all of the sudden there was a bottle of wine thrown above at you but you immediately dodged.

You looked above and saw a crawling monster with the body of a human in the dark with scales.

The demon crawled down like a spider and growled at you while you readied your sword. If you don't kill the demon now. Giyu won't have enough strength to constantly do water forms more than 5 time a row.

Fourth Form, Striking tide. You slashed forward and slashed your sword from next to next the monster dodged from time to time but there were some cuts that was able to heal easily.

The monster hissed when his back hit the wall and closed his eyes and a sudden crash happened through the wall. Opening the outside world. The full moon shining brightly.

His back was wet and the liquid turned into sharp multiple shards right behind him. His stood up like a proper human would stood up and spread his arms and pushed it forward and multiple sharp shards started to thrust forward, ready to pierce you through.

You took a table in the side and used it as a shield. Covering your whole body and felt the huge impact of the shards that it immediately pierced the table but then slowly turning into a disgusting liquid again.

You threw away the table and took a deep breath and slashed forward again. First form. Water Surface Slash. You pushed yourself forward, a jump and put your hand up ready to slash your sword. Your frame was shining through the midnight moonlight making you look majestic as you held your blue sword, and your blue haori reacted to the moonlight making it almost glow.

Monster looked at you in complete surprise but dodged your slash almost immediately. You jumped again and slashed again, and the monster dodged. You jumped again ready to stab him but then all of the sudden you felt something liquidly touched your back and pulled you backwards and this time you were trapped inside the disgusting liquid.

You gasped in surprise and tried to pull away.

"Prince Crystal" The demon whispered his eyes wide with surprised, while you looked at him in surprise.

Prince Crystal. The title was so familiar. You heard it before. Alot of time before. It stabbed the back of your brain. It almost made your head ache.

You knew that title. It was buried deep inside the very most back of your brain. Six feet under the ground. Unable to see but was still there.

It was just a small distraction but the disgusting liquid squeezed into you and you gasped at the pressure.

The demon opened his hands and was slowly closing into each other, and the pressure of the liquid trapping you started to feel like suffocating.

You gasped and struggled to make it all go away you wiggled yourself trying to stop the trapping pressure.

"Jingle!" You screamed out of no where. It was out of extinct and so random but the demon stopped trying to suffocate you.

The demon looked at you in such wide eyes then slowly turned into hatred. "It's you!" He screamed and immediately made the liquid around you trapping you even harder.

"What gives you any right to show your stupid face and say his name?! Huh Y/n?" The demon said acidly the anger in his eyes were evident and in the back of your head something clicked.

You look at the demon's face. His demonic face was pale white in the moonlight. His anger was evident. Yet he a familiar shade of green in his eyes. Eyes you've seen before. So many times before.

Your head suddenly ached. You felt the stabbing pain again and again, with the blood rushing to your head and your bones slowly breaking.

You heard a crack in one of your fingers. Your bones was slowly breaking. You wanted to scream so badly. To scream, to beg, to stop the pain and agony.

The demon chuckled at your pain. You made eye contact with those emerald eyes. They had the look of anger and something else...

Something so familiar.


You tried to click the pieces together. This demon, his eyes. So familiar. He knew who you are.

You felt your hand cracked and you screamed. Tears slowly falling down to your cheeks. Stop. You wanted to scream so loud. Yet you couldn't bring out the words as you opened your mouth.

When you looked at the demon, you saw a sudden flash with the speed of light.

You saw Giyu in the otherside of the demon with his sword in his side, and the demon's face slowly fell off his head.

You felt the tears fall down out of physical pain and the stab in your head, but the liquid binding you loosened and it soaked your clothes from top to bottom. It gave you a disgusting stetch of many leverages. It almost burned your nostrils more tears fell down to your face.

The demon realizing what happened got so furious.

"Stupid! Coward! Bastard! Traitor! Fucking cry-baby! If you didn't leave-" Before the demon could finish his sentence Giyu gave his sword another slash and the demon's head was slashed into half.

The demon only looked at you though with the sense of fury. You kept looking at each other though. Those eyes. These green eyes.

It felt like it could haunt you more than your brain.

You felt as if it was some sort of link to your pass...

This city...

Bell Jingle.

Unforgettable? (Giyu Tomioka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now