Chapter 12: Tears

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You were crying at your mother's grave.

The morning light was clear and warm but you felt intense sorrow surge through you. 

There were fresh flowers in the grave and another withering flower beside it meaning you've been here multiple times before.

The feeling of intense sadness was there but you didn't know why. It was unusual for you to cry, especially in your mother's grave so intensely. And it didn't happen often when you visit the grave.

Yet you did, you cried so intensely with the nunchuck in your hand. You aggressively threw the nunchuck in the ground and stood up still crying intensely.

You breathed slowly trying to calm down about to say something.

"Why did you hide it from me?" You whispered looking at the grave.

Hide what?! The current you were asking. Looking at yourself feeling a tear fall down your cheeks. You felt the intense emotional pain in you. It weighted so much in your heart.

The memory you breathed slowly trying to calm yourself and took out a big box and put the nunchuck inside of it gently and put it beside the grave.

"Why?" The memory you asked it not expecting an answer but you still asked.

The current you looked at the memory completely oblivious with what was going on. But you felt the sorrow and guilt that you were feeling at the time.

Was this the reason why your heart felt so heavy looking at the memory of your mother? 

You felt your emotional pain, sorrow and guilt inside you. It felt so clear but you don't know why.

"It's alright" A whisper was blown to your ear. You don't know where it came from but you knew exactly who is belonged.

"Giyu?" You whispered. You wanted to feel the stab in the back of your head. To go back to reality but before you could your vision blurred into white and you were in a new memory.


Giyu POV (The POV yall have been waiting for)

Giyu felt completely tired. Emotionally of course. 

He knew you were wide awake in the side of the bed staring at him. He knew you were overthinking about god knows what.

He kept his eyes closed breathing evenly although he was wide awake. He didn't want to interrupt your thinking session.

You never interrupted him when he was thinking. In fact you were always patient with him.

When he heard you gasp, he immediately woke up and looked at you.

Your eyes were completely white blank and about to fall down ready to hit the floor in the back of your head.

Giyu immediately got up and caught you in the back of your head as your head was only a centimeter distance from the floor.

Giyu looked at you as your eyes were completely open with no pupil at all. It was completely white which creeped Giyu out. Although he knew you were having a vision memory.

You explained to him you have like a white blur before and after your vision-memory.

Giyu remembered the first time you had a vision-memory infront of him in the city.

He felt so scared as he caught you. He was about to panic but before he could Shinobu warned him about it before you both left.

"Y/n-kun might black-out at some of your missions... Or should I say white-out. Although don't worry about it. It's a side affect" Shinobu said to Giyu as she waved him goodbye. 

Before Giyu had anything to say about it she was already out.

Giyu tried hard not to show his panic. Which took alot of effort especially when your eyes were wide and open and was pure white.

You were the only person Giyu can feel feelings towards to. In his defense it felt so completely new to him.

Although that didn't stop him from loving you. You were always patient and nice with him. Always there for him.

He wanted to be there for you too.

But it seemed hard knowing that he is hiding alot from you.

Both of you were in a relationship before you lost your memories.

Why did he hide it from you?

Because the past you said so.


Your POV

"Giyu-kun we have to break up" The memory you said facing your back at him in the woods.

Giyu looked at you wide eyes and confused. Confused and hurt.

"Why?" Giyu tried to say after a few minutes to let your words sink in.

"Yeah! Why??" The current you asked your memory you. Which you got an answer but only because Giyu asked.

The memory you face Giyu with sad eyes at the verge of tears. You took a deep breath "I recently found out about my heritage Giyu-kun, if we continue this relationship you might get hurt" The memory you said.

Giyu looked taken aback by that "You think I can't protect myself?" Giyu said challenging but hurt.

You looked at the ground unable to look at him in the eyes. "It's worst than that Giyu... If you find out where I really came from..." The memory you didn't finish the sentence and the current you felt the same grieve you felt in your mother's grave.

This was the the most unforgettable but hurtful memory you ever had.

Parting ways with the guy you love.

But he didn't agree to it. The memory Giyu immediately hugged the memory you in just a flash of an eye. 

The memory you felt so emotionally and physically tired you didn't try to push away.

"I want to forget all of it Giyu... We can't be together but..." You tried to say as you rested your head in his chest but you couldn't finish the sentence because you were starting to cry.

You usually don't cry and yet here you are. Crying so intensely about it.

It took awhile to calm but the tears were still falling out of your face.

"I can protect myself Y/n... just please don't..." Giyu tried to say but before he could finish, you tried with all your force to push him away which took alot of effort and you ran to the forest.

Crying helplessly. 

Out of relief. You were glad that Giyu didn't follow.

You needed space.

Finally the stab returned and the pain hurts more than ever. Especially since you were emotionally and mentally confused.

Your vision was back but it was still blurry. Your eyes were wet and someone was trying to dry it for you, but more came.

You felt arms around you and you were sitting on top of someone's lap.

"Giyu?" You whispered as another tear came out from your eyes and a gentle hand wiped it away.

"I'm here" Giyu whispered.

Unforgettable? (Giyu Tomioka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now