Chapter One. Hiro Holmes

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It was hot, so hot. Why was it this hot? Even with the air conditioner on, stupid thing. Always fake these days.

Besides that, I wasn't even wearing anything thick, and it was seven in the evening if my watch read well.

But at the same time it was cold, freezing actually, the air conditioner was doing a good job. I regret calling it stupid.

The girl some feet away from me smiled coyly, a smile that came off rather seductive.

Well, that was her objective anyways

She playfully shoved the man in front of her, with a hand in his pocket. A tree compared to her short form.

Despite her "attempts" to keep their distance, the man pressed closer, dismissing any distance between them inch by inch.

"Stop, Jake!" A faint giggle followed the voice, as the girl leaned against the car, lowering her head and parting her legs a little, before closing them shut once more, sending the man into a craze.

Soon, she was wrapping her hands around his neck, pulling him closer, while he groped for her hungrily, and in seconds there was no distance between them at all.

Ladies and gents, that was my girlfriend.

A cold sweat rolled down my creased brow.

Should I just leave?

I knew this was bound to happen soon.

I was not her ideal type.

Nevertheless, I still didn't deserve this. I cared for her, even when I knew she didn't care for me.

Well, she didn't care for me, but she cared for money, and with my grandfather's inheritance, and the stable income from my job, I was the definition of money.

When she came to me, seeking a place to stay, I had agreed, making peace with the fact that my love was unrequited.

Then on the day I couldn't take it anymore, she inserted the final hook.

"Why don't we just date, then?"

Those six words are what put me in this predicament.

I was such a fool, thinking maybe while we dated, she'd consider me. And was more of a fool when I still let her stay, hung up in my hopeless fantasies, even when she degraded me.

I deserved so much better. I didn't deserve to be treated like this...

Was what I was trying to tell myself, but no matter how I tried, the voices lingered in the back of my mind.

You deserve this.

You're nothing and deserve to be treated like nothing, you're a jinx who can only cause trouble. You're a mistake, who should've died years ago, but managed to stay alive, It doesn't matter though, because dead or alive, you can never achieve anything, change anything, or do anything, you're a curse and certainly a child of min-

I punched whatever was in front of me, sending shards of glass flying everywhere.

Blood rolled down my white knuckles, as I tried to calm my jagged breathing.

He was mistaken...

I was something.

I was-

The sound of heels against the pavement floor interrupted me, growing louder and louder with each click.

Come on, I hadn't even finished.

I sighed, as it grew louder and louder.

Well, might as well make myself comfortable.

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