Chapter Six: Uncle

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"The corruption.."
The shadow paced around the room, hands spread.

"Forbidden tales which if mentioned make men squirm in fear.
Some believe it, and some don't, but now the truth is out, the corruption is real.
It will consume men...He will consume men" It paused, eyes focused on him.

"There is no light. For the people who seek light are cursed, for they do not know it..."
It stopped once more. "You do not know you shall end up with all the rest, in the mouth of the beast, the wingman of the devil...the Jackl-

Alex! Alex!

In response to his name, Alexander Metalor snapped up.

Beads of sweat rolled down from his thick red mane down to his ebony forehead.

He panted, breathing unevenly.

His graphite eyes trailed across the room, searching for the source of the sound.

There was nothing.

Who had called him?

Suddenly the door creaked, moving a few inches, leaving a gap which his large and broad twenty one year old build could slither through.

He stared at it dumbfounded, his heart thumping a war beat.

Things were getting strange.



That was the last word Hiro Holmes heard before snapping out of his nightmare.

His heart thumped loudly against his chest. Beads of sweat flowing down his forehead.

What a nightmare.

Hiro thought, sluggishly shimmering down his bed, his eyes drooping from lack of sleep.

He had stayed up for hours, knife in hand, incase whatever creature attacked came back.

He later fell asleep though, well what should've been sleep if not for his constant nightmares.

He stretched, yawning, and walked into the bathroom.

As Hiro splashed water on his face he shoved the memory of his nightmare out of his head.

He needed to focus on finding out what had happened yesterday night, what the creature was,a and what it wanted.

And he knew two places he could get information from.

Fully energized now, he quickly brushed his teeth and walked down the stairs.

He needed to figure out what to eat.

He didn't feel like cooking so that narrowed his options down to two things; leftover pizza or a day old hamburger.

He chose the latter.

Grabbing the pizza from the fridge, he shoved it in the microwave, letting it heat for a while, while whipping up some coffee.

Pizza and coffee; an odd but delightfully scrumptious combination.

Hiro carried the two to the living room setting the carton and mug on the center table.

He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

He mentally picked between CNN, ABC, or Fox News, changing the channel to Fox.

Immediately what looked like a murder scene filled the screen.

A man lay dead on the floor, blood spilling out of somewhere in his upper back region. Police cars' lights flashed all over the place, and thier sirens blared through the screen.

The Beast. Book One Of The Dragon, Beast, Shadow And Saviour.Where stories live. Discover now