Chapter Sixteen: Move

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A/N: We're randomly switching POV's in this chapter so I'm sorry if it looks weird, but it changes back later, also it's more of a general POV.

19th April 2040.

Hiro Holmes paced anxiously in the waiting room of Rosemary, fear and guilt gnawing at him, behind him Cane Anthony sat on the bench, his two index fingers massaging his temples, and Cara Helmes leaned against the wall an indecipherable expression on her face, while staring at the door.

Elizabeth Lemmings was right behind those doors, unconscious.

Hiro Holmes couldn't think, couldn't process anything that happened the past few days, that lead them here. All he remembered was the gunshot, the gasp and Elizabeth's crumpled body.

Nothing was making sense to Cane Anthony. Who were those people? What did they want? His mind swarmed with a series of questions to which none he had answers to. But the way that woman stared at him, he would never forget.
She held the gun high, directing it towards... who? Her eyes met his and she kept the gaze, urging him to do something, but Cane stood dumbfounded; what was he supposed to do?

Cara Helmes was shocked, truly stunned by what had happened, why did Elizabeth do that? Who were those people? Questions rang in her head and she quietly uttered a curse. She couldn't help but replay everything that had happened two days ago, all starting with the gunshot.


2 Days Ago.

It was a usual train ride, women were as loquacious as men were raucous, and children chattered with both attributes.

Hiro, Elizabeth, Cane and Cara all sat together all doing a variety of things at the same time.

Cane scrolled through his Instagram feed and texted someone, Cara watched a movie and listened to music, Hiro half slept and half read a book, and Elizabeth glared at the men, women and children while clenching her fists.

Thankfully the train stopped before Elizabeth could strangle them, and a reasonable number walked out as a new set came in.

The new batch was much more quiet to Elizabeth's silent delight, and she found herself humming the tune of the music blaring from Cara's phone.


The sound did not pass by the four, as they all stopped what they were doing. Elizabeth clutched her gun, when she noticed a hooded man gripping something in his pocket. The other three noticed it too, albeit slightly late.


Screams and cries filled the train immediately when the gunshot was heard. The passengers scurrying in a frenzy, no particular plan in mind, to any speck of safety they could cling to.

The four stood in the midst, Elizabeth clutching her gun, raised high, pointing it at the man, who stood before them.

Cara looked up, noticing the deep dent the bullet made in the roof. When she looked back down, there were now three armed men, all against the single armed Elizabeth.

At this point all passengers had escaped to safety, watching what was happening from afar.

Safety, was behind the barricade like constructions that were built in the middle of the train, dividing it into two. Hiro watched as some people eyed the door as if waiting for the train to stop any second; the high speed jostling them about as they cast silent prayers.

Cane noticed the man behind the hooded figure about to pull the trigger, sounding a warning to Elizabeth.

By that time Elizabeth had already figured out what was happening, as she jumped the side, dodging the bullet of the hooded man, causing the male to bare his teeth in anger.

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