Chapter Eleven; Into the Shadows.

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24 March 2040.

Darkness surrounds thee.
Betwixt the earth and the Holy Grail of man thy body lays.
Mortals call thou the Almighty Conquerer.
But even a trickle of courage could slay thee?
Thou once was a dragon beast filled with power and might.
But verily I say onto thee, thou shall lose thy flight.

Elizabeth paused her reading when she heard a man's soft moan.

She turned to see the young male stirring and closed the millennium years old book, placing it on the table beside the bed.


She whispered, trying her best to make her voice sound neutral, she dared not show how worried she was.

His only reply were two more moans before he drifted back to sleep.

At least she hoped that it was sleep.

No matter how many times the doctors reassured her that he was out of his coma, and everything was fine, she couldn't quite help but worry a little bit.

He had been asleep for two days now, yet he hadn't regained full consciousness.

As she worried about him, a new thought popped up into her head.

Why was she here exactly?

In Rosemary, sitting beside a half conscious Hiro Holmes

It hadn't been up to a month since they met, yet she worried over him like he was some childhood friend.

Of course she needed him if she wanted to live a normal life again, but that wasn't the reason for the strange feeling bubbling inside her.
The unwanted thought dropped in her head without warning like pollen grains on a passerby under a tree, and she scowled at it.

Fear? The feeling had nothing to do with fear. She didn't fear anything. She was the leader of one of the most powerful gangs in North America. What did she have to fear?

Fear of losing the only friend she had.

Once again it came. No matter how hard she tried to refocus her thoughts, it was like there was this hidden place in her head that refused to let go of it.

She wrinkled her nose and squinted at the cover of the book she was reading for a change of pace.

It was like any other cover, only that three sides had extra brown paper folded like a scroll. The material was looped into a binder that stretched along the side parallel to the opening side, which was the side that connected the front and back of the book.

The front had a depiction of a mighty dragon with pin-sized front and hind legs descending almost vertically from the clouds, with pieces of its disintegrating wings dispersed all around, circling the falling creature.

Below the beast, standing on a precipice, was the depiction of a male with jet black hair, without sword nor shield but a mere finger directed at the beast who looked poised to attack. Normal men surrounded the solitary male who engaged the beast in a flash of blinding lights, with the words, " Thou shall lose thy flight!", etched into the book cover with bold black italic against the blinding battle of light.

At the top of the book were the words Armlins' Prophecy: Edited version.
Written in black cursive, having purple and gold outlines.

She picked up the book once more and flipped through the pages, scanning for where she stopped.

"Thou shall lose thy flight!"

There it was, page 70.

She skipped the edited part.

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