Chapter Eighteen. Part I.

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"Get the fuck off of me!"

Elizabeth growled, pushing the strong figure away who encased her in a tight hug as soon as they saw her.

Hiro chuckled, releasing her and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"I was really worried about you, and then pissed when I found out you left, but all in all, I'm just glad you're awake."

Elizabeth froze in response to his words for a second or two, but then snapped out of it, wearing her nonchalant facade again. Meanwhile, Hiro felt a small smile tug at his lips.

Oh how he missed that matter how annoying it could be.

"What're you smiling at?" Elizabeth attempted to snarl at him, but it just looked cute. Very cute.

"How cute you are," Hiro mock flirted, purring at the end of his words, his fist bunched up around the pocket his hand was buried deep in.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and he chuckled lightly. Another thing he had missed. Her need to roll her eyes at almost everything.

"Well, aren't you gonna invite me in?" He grinned, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"You're already in, you idiot," Elizabeth rolled her eyes once more, stretched her hand and slammed the door behind him, all while staring at Hiro with a cold expression which he found amusing.

Meanwhile, what Elizabeth felt was anything but cold. If she was being honest, she was relieved he had actually come back, that she wasn't just an object of power, but maybe, possibly, an actual friend to him.

Someone clearing their throat snapped them both out of their thoughts.

"Am I...interrupting something?"

Caleb, whom Hiro had befriended during his visits, walked up to them as if he had caught them stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

It was then that Hiro realized the position they were in.

Elizabeth's hand still lingered on the door behind Hiro as he leaned against the door, one hand still on the back of his head and the other in his pocket.

They were dangerously close, a closeness that bordered on the line between platonic and...

Hiro did not want to think about it.

He cleared his throat, as Elizabeth moved back, turning to scowl at her brother who just smiled smugly.

He's going to regret that sooner or later.

Hiro thought, smiling at the brother-sister duo. And like he predicted, Hiro noticed Elizabeth smack Caleb behind his head, which caused him to yelp, and recoil backward like a wounded dog.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He whined.

Elizabeth smacked him once more.

"First of all, language! Second, it was for being an idiot, idiot." Elizabeth snarled, feigning to hit him once more, which caused him to flinch.

Hiro chuckled.

Elizabeth whipped her head around and attempted to glare at him. Keyword, attempted.

"Tell me, why are you even here?" Once again she attempted a snarl, but to Hiro almost everything she did at the moment amounted to cute. The differing levels of cute however, nearly made him pinch her cheeks.

"Is it that wrong to come see a doofus?", Hiro teased.

"D-doofus?! Since when did we get this friendly, and you this comfortable?!", Elizabeth glared, stalking towards him.

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