Chapter Fifteen

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I, John Conner, groaned as I watched the two kidnap my sister out the train.
That girl could be frustrating sometimes, making stupid decisions that I always had to follow suit in order to protect her, like this for example.

I quickly exited the train, running after the three.

"Wait up!" I yelled.

My sister turned to look at me, an apologetic look on her face and I rolled my eyes.

I caught up to them, pausing to catch my breath.

"Coventry seems different than when I last visited," the kidnapper, Savannah muttered, a miniscule evil smile still etched on her lips while she skipped, humming a particular tune.

Sadist, I thought.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked her, ignoring her hums.

"There is none, just find Holmes."

"I mean how are w- ..w-, you and I going to find him?" I asked, cringing from the thought of almost saying "we".

Savannah paused her humming and turned to look at me.

"Simple, find his address," The girl said as if it was the easiest thing on earth.

"And how do you plan on doing that, genius? His location has still not been pinpointed, if they did have a lead, then the press.."

Savannah shuddered, probably at the thought of the press, Joshua patting her shoulder reassuringly.

"would have been there by now, swarming around his current residence like a bunch of flies" I said, all at once.

Savannah sighed, tapping a few buttons on her iPad.

"94th Barkley Street, prick," she said, frowning at me, shoving the iPad in my face.

"And just where did you get that info from, huh?" I asked.

"Does it really matter? Or is this just some way for you to try and prove something?"

"Maybe you should stop acting like you're above me, then maybe I wouldn't be trying to knock you down a peg," I bit back.

"Oh, honey, I AM above you. Delusions are pretty powerful things," she mocked.

Before I could step closer, the male with her, jumped between us, "Alright! Break it up, you two! We don't have time for this!"

"Well, I hate when stupid people talk, Josh," Savannah said, taking a jab at me. I remained impassive. After all, what did an insult that didn't describe me, mean to me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"You're right. We don't have time for childish games. I apologize for losing my shit over a nobody," I said. Behind the male, Joshua, Savannah fumed making me crack an evil smile when Joshua turned his back to me, facing Savannah.

A pinch to my arm caused me to look down at a pouting Julia. She then yanked me down while Savannah was getting lectured by Joshua.

"Stop picking fights!" She scolded softly.

I scoffed, "That woman started it," I huffed.

"What is this? A kindergarten? Grow up," she growled at me.

She sighed before continuing, "We're looking for the same person AND they have the information we need to get there. Our goals are the same, so what good is it for us to cut each other's throat like this?", she lectured. I had nothing to say to that, so I just remained silent.

"Now play nice," she instructed.

"Yes, mother," I griped. Joshua was still lecturing Savannah so I got around to typing the address Savannah shoved into my face mere minutes ago.

Barkley, I thought. I really hate that name. Once Joshua finished his rant, I announced that we should get moving. Savannah, shocked by the sudden change of heart, casted me a suspicious glance before shrugging, "Well as much as I hate to admit it, the idiot does make a valid point."

Joshua pinched the bridge of his nose, while I just opted for clenching my jaws tight. I began walking first, intent on leaving the ever annoying Savannah behind but she was persistent no matter how fast we moved. She kept complaining, whining that she wanted to sightsee just a little bit.

I couldn't handle it a moment longer, "Would you shut the hell up?! You're goddamn annoying!" I growled, turning to face her.

"Well, if it isn't the man with a stick up his ass," she drawled. "I sure as hell don't take orders from you."

"The only one here with a problem, is you, you annoying little-"

"Enough, John!", Julia yelled. By now a little crowd began to gather around us of passersby. This time, she pinched me and she pinched me hard. "Ow! What the hell, Julia?!"

"Stop fighting over every little thing with her!", she scolded me. She then turned to Savannah, "Are we working on this, together or not?", she asked sternly.

"Well, I guess we could if your brother-"

"He won't be taking jabs at you but neither will you," she said sternly. Savannah sighed and backed off, nodding, "I suppose we CAN work together then," she muttered, begrudgingly.

Joshua casted Savannah a grin, probably saying she got lectured by a smaller girl. Savannah just huffed and remained focused on her feet.

Julia, meanwhile, hooked her arm around mine, and began yanking me forward towards the address on my phone. Behind us, we could hear the footsteps of Joshua and Savannah.

"So, great weather we're having today," Julia began. I scoffed, "Please don't try that again."

"Try what?", Julia asked.

"Small talk," I said flicking her forehead. "You suck at it," I snickered.

From behind us, Savannah piped up, "For once, we agree on something!", guffawing thereafter. Soon, there was laughter coming from all of us, save for Julia, who was pouting.

She aimed a jab of her fingers at my ribs. I flinched, rubbing the area.

"You've a little tyrant there, ey?", Savannah joked. Seeing as we were actually starting to have somewhat normal conversations, I decided to reciprocate.

"Tell me about it," I began, dodging another onslaught of jabs aimed at my ribs.

"Don't feel bad, you're not the only one," Joshua snickered. His jovialness was short-lived. We soon heard a yelp of pain from behind us. Turning around, we saw Joshua crouched down, holding his foot with a nonchalant Savannah standing to the side, pretending to be innocent.

"Seems like all woman are tyrants, huh?" I joked, moving away from a fuming Julia.

From his crouched position, he groaned, "Definitely, or maybe we're just unlucky."

A notification pinged on Savannah's iPad and my phone. Unlocking it, she scrolled, her eyebrows furrowing. Doing the same, I scrolled through my news feed, becoming increasingly distressed.

At the tense silence that surrounded us, both Joshua and Julia asked, "What?" My tongue was heavy as my mind slowly turned over the information I was seeing.

Finally, Savannah answered for me, "Elizabeth Lemmings is in the hospital. It says she's hurt," as we all share a grim look.

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