Chapter Fourteen: The other Half

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20th April 2040
The girl proclaimed, and in less than a millisecond I and my best friend were tearing down the hallway, both running with the need to redeem ourselves.

The end of the hallway was close when I heard my sister holler.

I was so close to victory, my friend, Chuck, left in the dust, then the unimaginable happened. I tripped.

I landed face flat, several moans and profanities escaping my lips as I slowly picked myself up, forgetting the race at hand in favour of my throbbing face.

Chuck passed me within seconds turning back to laugh at me and then the unimaginable happened to him; he tripped too.

I let out a short burst of laughter before I immediately pushed myself up chuckling at his defeat, deciding to have some fun I started jogging, taunting him.


I heard him mutter and I chuckled.

But unluckily for me in seconds he was back on my tail and I knew I had to do the impossible if I wanted to win. With one large push of my determination, I propelled myself flying towards the end of the hallway once more.

In seconds I'm at the end of the hall, my hands milliseconds away from the wall, and the feat I thought highly improbable happened. My palm touched the wall. I won.

Cheers erupt from my sister Ann, the referee of this race, and she ran up to hug me, Chuck sighing in defeat.

We shake hands and I pull him into a hug, patting his back sympathetically.

"Good job bro, you almost beat me," I comfort.

Ann hugs me again, immediately when there is a gap between me and Chuck, squeezing me like I was her favorite teddy bear.

"The jump you did was amazinggg! You were literally soaring through the air," she said, admiration dripping from her voice.

I grin at her excitement; her happiness infectious.

That's how my sister has always been, happy, contempt and brave but fragile.

Sha has always been a bundle of joy.

My Little Anna.

With her, I could overcome everything.

Happiness surged through me and I felt better than I have ever been before.

Until I heard my name blare through the school speakers.

"Please step into the principal's office now!"

They were calling my name.

My name...

"Antonio Hathaway!"


Savannah Jones, who was sitting in the passenger seat, sighed in thought as the breeze whipped against her face tousling her hair through the vehicle's open window.

She huffed, blowing her hair and dissembling the army of hair strands blocking her vision.

"Anything wrong?" Joshua asked, concerned.

He sat beside her on the driver's seat, one hand driving and the other clamped over hers.

"Yeah, just thinking," She replied, staring at his vein filled arm holding the steering.

Her eyes travelled from his arm to his neck, and finally to his face.

His bushy eyebrows were perfectly plastered on his face, complimenting his brown eyes, and his nose hung beautifully, adorning his face. Even his dark lips embellished his features.

The Beast. Book One Of The Dragon, Beast, Shadow And Saviour.Where stories live. Discover now