Chapter Twelve: The make-up

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4th April 2040

After all his days of long fellowship with the peaceful darkness and occasional flashes of blurred brightness, light marauded through Hiro Holmes' peaceful abode; ransacking all his serenity.

Dark spots still danced in front of his eyes and his head throbbed profusely, but he could make an outline of a round object hanging on the roof through the blur in his vision.

He slowly exhaled and closed his eyes, soaking in the last view of darkness he could get, before opening them once more.

A bulb flickered directly above him, shining bright red, casting a shadow over the roof walls.

Where was he?

Hiro slowly turned his head to the left, ignoring the sharp throbbing pain in his neck.

There was a white cabinet with different bottles filled capsules of various kinds scattered on it.

He turned to the right.

An IV was planted near the bed, two IV bags hanging on the poles' hook, the secondary tube was connected with the port and from it another tube extended towards something on his bed.

He slowly raised his hand and as he expected, it was his wrist.

He was in a hospital?

Using his elbows for support, he attempted sitting up, but failed woefully, his head hitting the pillow once more.

He tried again, reaching farther this time, but still plummeted onto his hospital bed.

He slowly exhaled and waited some seconds to regain his strength, before trying again.

He pushed with all his might, wheezing from the pain it caused in his chest.

For a second he was ascending and the next he was descending leaning to the side.
Falling. He was falling!

He fell with his body slanted, his IV rattling like a cornered rattlesnake.

Hiro groaned and blew a lock of his tousled hair from his eyes, muttering a few curse words as his shoulder began to throb.

Without warning a soft but firm hand grasped his shoulders, while the other squeezed itself under his head.

He didn't flinch.



He felt a slight squeeze on his shoulder.

"Are you mad?"

There was no squeeze.

He turned his head slowly and instead saw a chocolate skinned, browned eyed image of a nurse, she looked young; younger than Elizabeth even, with long black braids.

She stared at him quizzically.

"Who's that?"

The young woman questioned with a raised eyebrow, while helping him up.

She offered him some water with a pill he didn't recognize.

He muttered a thank you and took the pill, plopping it in his mouth, and following it up with water.

She waited for him to swallow before speaking once more.

"So... you haven't told me who she is?"

He was hoping she'd not ask.

"She's the girl that brought me here,"

"Why would she be mad at you?"

Didn't she have anywhere else to be at?

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