Chapter 6

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The night went on extremely quitely. The kiss had played with her emotions. Do I really want to do this? Should I really marry him? Not that I have a choice. Hermione Malfoy. Sounds good enough.

"Hermione Malfoy. " Draco said to me calmly. Was he reading my mind or something? "Doesn't sound that bad. "

"I guess not." I replied flatly. I looked over to Draco and gasped. He was down on one knee!

"Look Hermione I know we dont have a choice but I just wanted to make it official. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He said it rather enthusiastically yet there were tears in his eyes.Thats the thing about  Draco. His eyes were always glistening as if he was about to cry. And one little word could change it. I glanced around the restaurant . Everyone was staring at me with eager eyes.

"Yes. I will marry you!" I pretended to sound excited for his sake.

"Okay then." He took out the ring. It had a oval shaped diamond in the middle and around the edges were little rubies and sapphires. He put it on my left ring finger. Without even stopping myself I leaned over and kissed him.

Cormacs POV

I watched as the 'happy couple' kissed. And to make matters worse Hermione had kissed him. She was supposed to be with me! Not that traitor of a death eater! The love of my life pulled away and said something. She then sat back down and carried on with her meal.

Draco POV

The taste of her mouth lingered on my lips. We parted and i looked deep into her chocolate eyes.

"Thanks for that." I said with a hint of sorrow in my words.

"Whats wrong?" She asked suprisingly concerned.

"I can tell you don't  exactly feel happy about this. About the marrige."

"I do, I just feel like its too rushed." She replied. Wait she acctually wants to get married?

"So you're  okay with the marrige?" I asked.

"Yeah! I believe that youve changed since the war- changed for the better." She gave me a loving smile.

"Thanks!" I breathed a relaxed sigh.

"I'm so sorry I said I'd meet my parents at 9 and well its 8:39 now. So I guess I'll see you next time fiance!"

"I guess you will." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before standing up and leaving the restaurant.

"Hello again Draco," The man said with a coy smile.

"Hi again Cormac," I replied. What was he going to say to me?


I am soooooooooooo sorry for not updating ive just been so busy. Tbh this fanfic isnt really  my main and I will probably update like once a week(i hope)

~disneyshipsdramione   Xx

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