Chapter 12

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@lovemusicfandom this is for you. Thank you for liking this book xx

"Hermione, where are we going?" Draco whined from behind. He'd always hated going for walks and to him this seemed like an extremely long one.

"Just - " she pondered a moment before continuing. "- please shut up, for just a few minutes."

Draco did as he was told but it didn't last very long.

"Hey! We're in Diagon Alley!"

Hermione gave him a duh look.

"I just need to buy something. Go and sit over there and wait for me."

Draco followed her instructions and sat outside a small café. It was shut but the outside chairs were still there.

At first the darkness of the street must have deceived him, or else his eyes were confused and dazzled by the recent glare of the flaring lamp. For a minute or two he could make out nothing at all but dark trees, bushes and the outline of shops. But there it was.

He could see Hermione snogging Cormac McLaggen.


I entered the book store. It wasn't really necessary that I bought a new book, but I knew me and Draco would be away a while, and I wanted something new and fresh to explore wit my mind.

I picked up a new book that I hadn't read yet. It was called The Fault In Our Stars - a book a lot of people wanted her to read but had never got round to it. She turned around with the book to go and buy it, when she bumped into a tall man. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her outside. Hermione screamed but her efforts were pointless as his hand muffled her yells. They were outside and by this point Hermione was crying. She still didn't know who this man was or what he was doing to her. He roughly shoved her against the wall and attacked her lips with his own.


I ran forward and grabbed Cormac by the collar. I punched him in the face, the gut - everywhere. Hermione was screaming at me to stop but I just couldn't. He'd hurt Hermione and she means absolutely everything to me - and I also wanted to get even for the restaurant.


Hermione placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, begging him to stop. the punching decelerated as he looked into her teary eyes.

What had he done? He'd caused Hermione so much pain?

"Hermione, all I ever do is make you upset. I think you're better off without me.."

Hermione looked up at his words and grasped tighter to his arm.

"You aren't going anywhere without me."

Damn her. This meant he couldn't apparate without her coming too.

"I love you Draco." said Cormac.


"I love you Draco," whispered Hermione, the words trailing into the midnight air. By this time Cormac had left in a rush to go somewhere.

"I want to spend the ret of my life with you."

Draco pretended that her words didn't affect him. that his heart wasn't rapidly pounding. he pretended that her breath on his arm didn't send him crazy. He tried to pretend he didn't love her.

But he could never imagine that.

He captured her lips with his own.

The kiss obliterated every thought. For the first time in forever, Draco's mind was locked into the present. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car. His usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next was suspended, he had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins his only desire was to touch her, to move his hands under her smooth summer layers and feel her perfect softness. In moments the soft caress has become more firm, he savoured her lips and the quickening of her breath that matched his own. A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come.

"Hermione Granger," he whispered.

"Let's go get married."

okay I kinda feel like that was one of my better chapters in this book.

thank y'all for reading please vote comment and shareeeeeeeeeeee

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