Chapter 7

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Draco Pov

I took a deep breath to prepare me for what was coming.

"I see you're getting a bit physical with Hermione?" Asked Cormac.

"Well I can if I want - shes my fiancée. Is that not simple to see?"

"Well I just though I'd  let u know that, she still loves me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The reason she left early? We arranged to meet after the date!"

"And why did she seem so disgusted to see you were serving us?"

"Oh thats just a disguise!" Cormac yelled
"I Know youre just using her!" He continued.

"What!" I pushed him to the floor. "How do you know what I do?"

"Well considering you're a DEATHEATER!" The words drove through my heart. The word I hadnt heard for years. I am a deatheater.

Cormacs POV

Ha! He fell to the ground.

"Well I would leave you but I kind of want to punch you so here goes nothing!" I whispered in his ear.
My fist flew to his nose and it smashed leaving blood trickling down his shirt.

Dracos POV

The blood fell from my nose and flowed into my shirt. You couldn't even tell it was a white shirt now, the Crimson had already soaked in.

"I'll get you for that" I whispered with threat.

"With what?" Cormac sneered. I stood up and took hm to the ground, hitting every part of his body. The surrounding customers started shrieking and pointing at the fight scene.

Cormac grabbed a wine bottle and threw it at my stomach. The glass shattered and I winced in pain, knowing that I was bleeding - badly.

"Mclaggen!" Cried a random man from the crowd. 
"You're fired!" Oh so it was his boss.

"What for?" Cormac asked confused. Merlin is he for real.

"Attacking a customer." I replied with a smug smile on my face despite the dried up blood on my lips.
"I think I might sue!" Continuing I smirked at cormacs confused face.

"But... He started it!" He screamed in fury.

"No buts Mclaggen. You attacked a customer. Get out!" The boss picked up Cormac by his shirt and sent him packing.

"Sir are you alright?" He then said turning to me.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine - a little blood never did any harm. "

"Well I'm going to give you a full refund and I'm really sor-"

I sighed

"Don't say sorry it wasn't your fault. Keep the money as well, I don't want it back."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Very kind sir." And with that he walked away.

Looking down at the blood in my shirt I vowed to get revenge on Cormac, bloody or not. (This makes no sense whatsoever 😂)

Hermiones POV

I ran as quick as I could to my house not wanting to be late for my parents.
"Hermione," said my mother with worry.
"It's your father," my heart started racing.

"He's in hospital."

What has happened to Dan? Will he be ok? Was this an accident, or was it on purpose? Nobody knows!

Well okay maybe someone knows.... 😏

Yeah me.

And my friend.

Okay for from now on I will update each story every month.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and you vote comment and follow.
And I also changed my name. Again. 😆😊


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