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today you had nothing to tend to so you chose to just head home. you had a smile on your face while walking.

what should you do with this free time? maybe you could study? or go shopping? maybe even—

you got knocked back a bit, a boy had hit your shoulder...he didn't even apologize.

"ouch...what the heck...?"
you muttered while rubbing your shoulder.

wait a second was that...kuramochi?! he was being held up by his collar by some random guy. was he going to get in a fight?!

"thanks to you I couldn't take that nerds money. so are ya' gonna give me some in his place?"
you heard the guy holding kuramochis collar say.

was he...protecting the guy who ran into you earlier? but...he really shouldn't pick a fight here...

he's on the baseball team, and there's a crowd. it wouldn't be a good look for his reputation...

you took off towards him quickly grabbing hold of his arm and running with him.

"huh? (l/n)?!"
you heard him say.

the both of you ran away, hiding in between a building. you were pressed up against him, you wouldn't be surprised if he could feel your heartbeat...

after some time you couldn't hear the guy from earlier anymore. you both stuck your heads out to make sure they left.

realizing the coast was clear you made your way out of the hiding spot.

"it looks like they finally gave up..."
you spoke up.

"I know I asked you to help keep it a secret, but in a situation like that you could've gotten hurt."
kuramochi said concerned.

"well, you're not a delinquent anymore...so don't try and pick fights anymore."
you said in a stern tone.

"don't you want to change too?"
you asked looking straight at him.

he looked at you for a few seconds before turning his head to the side.

"alright. I won't pick anymore fights."
he said.

your eyes widened a bit, surprised he agreed.

"I promise."
he finished off.

you were quite shocked, you hadn't expected him to really agree.

"if ur makes you feel better we can pinky promise, just kid—"
he started saying in a teasing tone.

you said totally serious.

you latched your pinky around his and squeezed it.

"kyahaha! you're funny (l/n)."
kuramochi laughed with a smile.

you remembered when you were scared of delinquents laughs.

but kuramochi's didn't scare you.

but kuramochi's didn't scare you

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