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"you're dating kuramochi?!"
two shocked voices shouted.

"it's kinda a long story..."
you said embarrassed.

"who confessed first?!"
one of them asked excitedly.

"ah well...kuramochi?"
you said.

"wow so you just agreed to it then."
one said.

"what's so good about him anyways?"
the other one said.

"that's rude!"
your other friend scolded.

"h-he has his charms too!"
you started.

"for example he's really reliable in critical moments, he's always nice and he keeps his promises! plus he's pretty attractive..."
you said defending him.

your friends started giggling at you.

you asked.

"nothing~ it seems like you really love him, you speak so proudly of him."
she said snickering.

her words echoed in your head as you hid behind a text book. could this feeling be love...?

"have you two kissed yet?"
your friend asked.

"kiss...no! no we haven't!"
you sputtered embarrassed.

they both looked at you with doubting stares.

"oh! I've heard kisses taste like lemons, is that true?"
you asked curiously.

"are you that curious?"
she questioned you.

"hey what're you guys plans for summer break?"
your other friend changed the topic.

"oh I'm planning on going to a festival with my boyfriend."
she said.

her locks green was a picture of her and her boyfriend. you had never taken a picture with kuramochi...

you kinda wanted to do it too. maybe if he was free you could...you definitely looked forward to it.


"summer vacation? probably just practice, we have a lot to do during summer."
kuramochi explained.

"oh...I see."
well there went your plans.

"what about you?"
he asked.

"I don't know...maybe study..."
you said.

"not a bad idea...you definitely need to raise your grades..."
he said sweat dropping.

"you don't need to tell me that...I already have no motivation to study..."
you said with a sigh.

"how about this, right after summer vacation let's go on a date if you don't get bad scores this time, yeah?"
kuramochi said wrapping an arm around your neck.

"a date?! where?"
you asked.

"kyahaha! it's a secret."
he said mischievously.

you wondered what he possibly had in mind...this could be your first date!


you were anxious, you had studied like never before. hopefully you got good marks so you could go on a date with kuramochi.

you looked at your papers, realizing you had passed everything!

"it's a miracle! I did it!"
you said.

"it truly is..."
you teacher said with a tear.

"you teacher said with a tear

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