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it was nice to not have that there anymore.

"I'm sorry, I got you involved in this..."
he apologized.

this situation was solved in an odd way...

"that looks painful, you should've hit back."
you said looking at his cheek.

"huh? you're the one who told me not to fight."
kuramochi looked at you confused.

"it depends on the situation...you don't have to be completely defenseless..."
you explained.

"I don't have a choice, I already promised you and I want to protect you."
he said holding your hands.

"but...this means you'll have to be with the type of people you hate..."
he rubbed the marks on your wrist.

you kneeled infront of him, cupping his face. and pressed your lips against his.

after a few seconds you pulled away. he looked at you shocked.

"you're face is so red."
he said with a small laugh.

"...not only do I want to be with you. since the first time you've talked to me up till now, I always though you were cool. that's why I fell in love with you."
you said sending him a smile.

the corners of his mouth lifted and he wrapped his arm around your waist.

"is that a confession?you're late."
kuramochi said.

he cupped your face and leaned into you again. you felt his lips on yours once more.

"ah, my bloods ok your face."
he said when he pulled away.

he licked the corner of your mouth to wipe away the blood. it caught you off guard after such an intimate moment.

you pouted at him, this was your first kiss and yet it had the taste of blood. totally different from what you had imagined.

"it's not lemon flavored youichi..."
you whined.

"what are you saying...?"
youichi asked.

you still hated yankees.



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