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and let's just say they weren't anywhere near passing. so your teacher called you to the office.

"(l/n) you aren't skimping just because it's a minor test, are you?"
the teacher questioned you.

"no sir! I swear I'm trying my best!"
you defended yourself.

"you getting this result saying this is your best is more concerning..."
your teacher sweat dropped.

you said embarrassed.

"maybe you should consider getting someone to tutor you."
he recommended.

that didn't seem like a bad idea...but who could you ask?


"so that's why I wondered if you could tutor me..."
you spoke.

"I've never tutored anyone before..."
kuramochi said scratching his cheek.

"ah...I see..."
when would you find someone to tutor you?

you were extremely close to giving up, you had already asked around so he was kinda your last hope...

"so...just ask me anytime you don't understand something."
he said.

"you'll tutor me?!"
you said exitedly.


you sat besides kuramochi, he was currently explaining some math to you. while he did that you made sure to write it down in your notebook.

surprisingly he was a pretty good tutor. he made the topics easy to understand for you.

and...you were also closer than you thought you guys would be.

"alright now try and solve this one on your own."
he instructed you.

you responded.

"meanwhile I'll take a nap. practice was killer yesterday..."
kuramochi said laying his head down.

that shocked you quite a bit, he planned to take a nap...

he rested his head on the desk, closing his eyes. you tilted your head forwards to look at him. when he opened his eyes.

he asked.

"oh nothing!"
you said nervously.

"kyahaha. just do the question."
he laughed.

you shouted out.

you immediately focused on the questions before you, answering them one by one. then after a few minutes kuramochi graded you.

you ended up doing kinda bad, which you expected. would he decide to give up after he say how bad your score was...?

"okay let's review this part again."
he said shocking you.

since he didn't give up on you, you were determined to try your best.

since he didn't give up on you, you were determined to try your best

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