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that was your first date...it made you giddy
just thinking about it.

you still had no clue where he was planning on taking you. well your main goal no matter
where he took you, was to take a picture

you heard someone call out.

you looked up and saw kuramochi. he was wearing a simple black shirt and jeans, it was definitely an improvement.


you had made it to the location of your date.

"it's a zoo!"
you spoke excitedly.

you hadn't expected kuramochi to choose a
zoo for your first date, but it was a pleasant surprise.

"(f/n) you like animals right? you own a
lot of fox stuff."
he pointed out.

so that why he chose this place...

you walked around, it had been ages since
you had gone to the zoo. seeing all the animals was quite nice.

as you walked you overheard a couple wanting
to take a picture. ah right your original goal!
you had totally forgotten about it.

how do you kuramochi about it? how did others ask about it?

"ah, penguin."
kuramochi pointed them out.

"penguin?! where?!"
you said, eyes shining in excitement.

you walked over to where the penguins were located.

"so cute~!"
you said looking at the penguins.

then you heard a snap of a camera. you turned and saw kuramochi holding his phone.

"did you take a picture?"
you asked him.

"yeah, I thought there was a large child over there."
he teased.

he definitely meant you didn't he...?that was a
bit embarrassing, you let yourself get carried away by the penguins cuteness.

oh wait, would this be an appropriate time to ask him? you'd just have to go for it.

"well, would you want to take a picture together...?"
you asked nervously.

"yeah sure."
he responded.

it looks like you'd get to achieve your long awaited goal after all.

you decided to take it next to the red panda.

"if we stand here the red panda shows up nice!"
you said trying to get a good angle.

"you want to take a picture that much?"
he asked.

you said smiling at him.

"okay I'll take it now, say cheese!"
you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders.

you felt his lips pressed against your temple.
that...was unexpected, you felt your face turning red.

you turned to face him with a shocked expression. to which he only returned a grin in response.

you placed a hand on your temple, did he really just do that?


you were on your way home from your date with kuramochi.

"that was fun."
he spoke up.

you said facing away from him.

"...what's with the cold attitude for some time now?"
kuramochi asked you.

well you were having fun...but ever since that part yours gotten so nervous.

you felt his knuckles hit the side of your head.

"did you hate it that much? sorry alright?"
he said with a sheepish grin.

"it's not that I hate it...it's more like I feel happy when I think about it..."
you explained.

you felt your cheek being pinched.

"(f/n) is really silly."
he said pulling at your cheeks.

"hey...don't insult me."
you whined.

kuramochi suddenly cupped your cheek and started to lean in.

was he really going to do this...?


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