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a few people from different classes, all the same grade, had decided to hang out. you had been invited and so was kuramochi.

you watched your classmates play, seeing kuramochi get a strike. you opted to not play, you didn't trust yourself enough.

"oh! (f/n) your earrings are cute! where'd you buy them?"
one of your friends asked.

"oh these? I bought them in front of the station..."
you turned red when you remembered kuramochi's words.

your friend obviously noticed this.

"oh my gosh! was it a gift from a boyfriend?!"
she asked shocked.

"no...I don't have a boyfriend!"
you explained to her.

"you know...you've never told us your type."
she pointed out.

your type...you honestly never gave it much thought.

"hmm someone intelligent, athletic, and funny!"
you said.

"so greedy..."
she sweat dropped.

now that you thought about it...that sounded a bit like kuramochi. your eyes unconsciously drifted towards him causing you both to make eye contact.

you turned even more red, there's no way he sounded too much like your type!

"ah! and they have to keep their promises!"
you stated.

"wow what insane preferences, is there more?"
your friend asked.


the hangout was over now and everyone was making their way home.

that was when you heard a commotion, noticing it was a classmate of yours. you saw kuramochi walk to help the guy.

was he going to pick a fight...?!

"sorry please calm down."
he said putting himself between the two party's.

"what you gotta problem too?"
the older man asked.

you could only hope he didn't try and pick a fight...

"no. I'm really sorry."
kuramochi said bowing to the guy.

another guy, who you guessed accompanied the older guy, apologized as well and dragged him away.

it was reliving, he didn't end up picking a fight.


everyone had gone on their own separate ways now. but you noticed kuramochi standing on the bridge leaning over the railing.

"you're not heading home yet kuramochi?"
you went over and asked him.

he responded.

"well everyone else is already heading home!"
you said.

he responded with the same thing.

it felt a bit awkward...

"...for me, I like cool people."
he suddenly spoke up.

you tilted your head to the side confused. what did he mean...?

"I wanna be cool, but earlier I felt so unco—"
kuramochi said.

"no! you were super cool earlier! I was so moved by it!"
you told him.

"plus, you kept your promise!"
you said sending him a warm smile.

he looked at you surprised.

"besides, if someone says you're not cool I'll get mad!"
you spoke while showing him how you'd get mad.

he just laughed at your 'angry' gestures.

"you don't believe me?"
you asked.

"no, you're cute..."
kuramochi said turning away from you.

cute...? you thought turning red.

"ah! the earrings you mean!"
you tried reasoning.

"huh? I didn't say that. I meant you, (f/n)."
he said facing you.

what do you do if you suddenly like what you once hated...?


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