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you were near the gates when you heard some people whispering.

you noticed a guy squatting down near the exit.

it was the guy from yesterday! the one who wanted to fight with kuramochi...

"you finally came out."
he said looking at you.

what did be plan on doing to you...?

he tossed your something.

you caught it, surprisingly. it was your pass case, you had been wondering where it was!

"ahh thank you so much!"
you thanked him.

"we-well then..."
you said trying to pass him.

"stop it right there."
he gripped your shoulder.

his action startled you greatly.

"you know kuramochi right? is he still inside the school? by the way, what are you to him?"
the boy bombarded you with questions.

to which you stay silent, mostly out of fear.

"you're not...his girlfriend are you...?"
he said doubtingly.

a hand suddenly grabbed the boys arm, taking it off of you.

"what are you doing?"
it was kuramochi...

then the boy got caught by some teacher at the gates, making him leave.


you made your way home thinking about the interaction with the boy earlier.

he returned your pass case...maybe he was actually a kind person...

you bumped into someone, being to distracted looking at your pass case.

"I'm sor—!"
you looked at the person you bumped into.

it was him again!

"I knew it, you're kuramochi's girlfriend...would you please cooperate with me for a second?"
the boy asked.


kuramochi's phone rang, he noticed it was (f/n). he picked up the call.

he said.

that was most definitely not (f/n)'s voice.

"we meet again."
the voice said.


you sat on the ground, with your hands tied up.

"will I get hit later...?"
you asked timidly.

"huh? why would I do lame stuff like that? I don't like beating up girls."
the boy explained.

well that was mildly reassuring...

"I told you I was waiting on kuramochi, what's with his lame appearance?"
he asked you.

you were unable to answer as kuramochi showed up.

"he came."
the guy said grinning.

"are you going to fight with me?"
he said standing up.

"unfortunately, I don't fight anymore that's what I promised her."
kuramochi explained.

"so if you wanna beat me, just do it."
he said shrugging.

the boy sent a punch towards kuramochi's face.

"what's with those words? did you underestimate me?"
he said pissed.

kuramochi was keeping his promise but...you didn't wanna look.

"you're not even looking at me are you? the current you is really lame..."
the boy sounded disappointed.

"even if you think I'm lame, as long as she thinks I'm a cool person, other peoples opinions don't matter."
kuramochi said with a grin.

you were shocked at his statement...did the way you see him matter to him so much...?

the other guy looked at the ground and started to walk away.

you shouted at him.

"sorry if I'm wrong but, did you want to be kuramochi's friend?"
you asked him.

"he already said he doesn't kn—"
he started before getting interrupted.

"igarashi mio."
kuramochi stated.

the guy looked shocked that he said his name.

"in middle school you wanted to duel a lot, I remember you."
he said scratching his head.

the other boy suddenly looked satisfied with that.

the other boy suddenly looked satisfied with that

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