She'll come around

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When I got inside the school, it was humongous ! I could easily get lost then I saw a woman who had grey hair, with a pink striped top coming right up at me and said. "Hallo, bist du neu?" I didnt even understand one word.. I just stand there awkwardly and replied saying.. "uhmm.. I cant understand." The woman laughed and said
"oh ! Ur not from here sorry I must've been mistaken. What's you're name?"
I smiled warmly and said "Estella" the sweet lady smiled back and said
"Well Estella,may I give you a tour I'm worried you'll get lost my dear !"
This woman was so kind! I gladly said Yes.


"Thank you!" I said and she just gave me a smile and walked away.
I then learned my class was at the right hallway and that class was ART CLASS.
I walked in and gave an awkward grin.
The teacher intruduced me, and said I had to sit next to Bill Kaulitz. The boy who had spiky black hair and makeup then raised his hand, and I supposed it was him I had to sit next to.

"Hi where are you from?" The guy asked. "Oh hi.. I'm from LA." I smiled while saying it,
"Oh ! LA I love that place." He responded smiling cutely.
After class ended, it was already
7:48 am. And me and Bill striked a conversation,but then Bill bringed up his twin brother 'Tom' Bill told me to stay away from him because he was a player apparently.. and I just listened to what he said !

When I was opening my locker, a boy who seemed to have dreadlocks? I supposed was leaning next to my locker. Smirking at me, I curiously raised my eyebrow at him, and said
"What?" His friends was behind giggiling as if something was funny.. he replied saying "Are you new?" While playing with his lip ring. I acted un-interested and just said "Yes?"
He said while still having that little smirk of his.
"Well my name is Tom.. Tom Kaulitz."
Then I remembered Bill's words..
"Dont go near him,I dont want you getting hurt like the others."
I then gave Tom an excuse to get away from him.
His friends then laughed at him getting rejected, and Tom just scoffed and said "Oh she'll come around.."

I walked into the cafeteria where all the people was eating they're snacks, and I spotted Bill and decided to sit right next to him.
"Oh ! Estella !.. How have you been?"
Bill asked me politely..
I chuckled and said
"Oh I feel fine !" Smiling right back at him!
He then said something that made me flattered.
"Oh theres that cute smile of yours !"
I then looked away a bit, blushing..
But when I turned around I saw Tom.. he looked kind of mad.. like he was jealous of something.
I just turned back to Bill and patted him on the head which made him giggle a little.

When I was walking back home I got a notification from.. Bill ! I squeled in excitement and checked what he has texted me !
"Estella look behind..?" I was confused and anxious.. when I turned around slowly Bill's car was there and Bill screamed, "Estella ! Come here we'll take you home ! We are neighbours.."
Huh..? Who's we?.. I just hoped in and saw Tom, back with the smirk and playing with his lip ring while looking up and down at me.

I just ignored it, but I cant help the fact it gave me the sparks.. oh no no! I cant be falling for him! He is just a player. Nothing but a player.. I took a deep breath when Bill asked me "whats the matter Estella?" I responded
"Oh nothing dont worry !"

When we arrived I hoped out and there it was! Bill's house.. it was so cool! But I just went inside my new house.
My mom came to me and held my hand softly and asked "How was you're first day?" I replied rolling my eyes "oh.. it was great I guess." And went up to my bedroom.

I changed into pyjamas and got a text from Bill again !


Bill: Hi Estella!

Me: Oh hi Bill how are you?

Bill: Oh I'm doing great.. you?

Me: hmm.. okay I guess..

Bill: Anyways I texted you.. because..

Me: because??..

Bill: We are throwing a party at 7 pm! You should come tommorow.

Me: Omg.. Of course !

Bill: Yay ! Cyaa

Me: Okk cya !

I turned my phone off, and went to sleep exhausted from the long day.

The next day was Saturday and there was no school! I excitedly woke up and started to go downstairs. My mom and Grandma was watching TV, and I asked my mom if I could go outside. She said yes and I was really happy because I was going to have my very first party night ! I then changed and took my wallet. But just as I was going to go out of my room after getting ready, I heard a slight tap on my window. I opened it as I was shaking..
But then Tom's head popped out !
"AGH ! Tom ! What the hell are you doing!?"
"Oh dont be scared darling.. AH SHIT."
I laughed loudly as he accidently gave his finger a little cut, from our tree who had spiky roots.
"Goddamn it! It's not funny.."
"Well it is to me Tom !" I smiled and laughed non-stop. When I stoped I saw Tom staring at me smiling and laughing back. Then it came back.. the sparks !
I tried to ignore it but it was hard.

"Anyways where are you going ?"

Tom said, "uhmm.. none of your business you weirdo." I replied
"Whoa no need to be fiesty now."
I just walked out leaving him outside my window, when I felt a tight grip on my wrist. "What the fuck?"
"Answer me." Tom looked straight at my eyes intimitaiding me.
"Why the hell do you care !?"
I growled at him. "I'm just curious."
"Fine.. I'm going to the mall. Now go away my mom and grandma is here."
He then climbed back down but not before, smirking at me AGAIN.

After shopping at the mall, I called a taxi to come back home. I saw my mom and grandma with.. Jezzele? My childhood bestfriend! I squeled and hugged her in a tight hug and, looked back to make sure it was her.
"Oh my god Jez !" I screamed !
"I- Estella?.." Jezzele slightly whispered still in disbelief..

We just hugged and turns out she was living here too ! I squeled in excitement and grabbed her hand and led her to my bedroom. I changed my shirt and told her that there was a party at my friend's house. She gladly agreed to join after I begged her. And she told me that we were in the same school ! We talked non-stop before going come to change our clothes for the party !

"Nothing But A Player"  - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now