Guilt Defeats Me

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The Police Department?..
"What the fuck.." I whispered,
"What's wrong?" Jezzele said questioning me.

"Oh ! Nothing I just saw a uh scary video." As I walked back home,
I went upstairs and, was in a state of panic.. god ! Anxiety hits hard..

"Hello are you Estella Robins ?"
The Police Department, texted.
"Hello, yes I indeed am !"
"A person by the name of Daniel In you're classroom has been missing for about a day now. Do you have any information about him?"

Gulit, heavied my stomach like tons of bricks. As I replied,

"Yes. I will go at the Department at this instant."
As I was in fear of what my life had become.. god why would Tom drag me into this type of mess !?

As I called a cab,
"Hi are you Estella Robins ?"
I nodded.
"Great. The chief has been waiting, he's inside that door."
I shivered, as I opened the door.
"Why hello come in Ma'am Robins ?"
I sat on a chair, awkwardly.
"What is that information you, have wanted to tell us ?"

"Well, I have actually witnessed it."
I said,
"So?.. Are you the murderer?"
"No no! It's not that.. I was just walking back home when I heard a slight whine. Curiousty killed me as I walked that direction, and saw Daniel tied up and.. the killer took me aswell as he saw me. And tied me up, and started injecting toxic acid onto his face."

"God..that shit's terrible ! Do you know who that killer may be ?"

"Dont worry, who is it ?" The chief said.
"It's a German man by the name of Tom Kaulitz.. he is in my class aswell."

"Hmm.. thank you for you're bravenest and honesty Estella ! We will look through this."

As I walked out, my heart stopped as I saw Tom..
"What do you think you're doing here in the Police Department ?"
"I- I was.." I stuttered.
"Reporting me huh ? I told you to stay fucking quiet or you'll be my next bullseye.."

"Too late !" The police screamed.
Armed with guns, as they handcuffed Tom.
As Tom grinded his teeth together, angrily.

"You'll regret this Estella.."

I flinched, as he tries to punch the Police officers but failed.

Well, I guess guilt defeats me.
God what's next ?
My life is a whole ass mess already, I cant believe this shit is happening to me right now.
I still wonder if Tom is in a gang or not

- Hi guy's I'm sorry if I haven't been updating my stories for a while.. I have been busy with school and dance practices !! I hope you guys understand.-

"Nothing But A Player"  - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now