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The recollection of yesterday afternoon replayed on repeat for Jungkook. He couldn't get the image of his dad out of his head. How he cried and hugged him as if it was his last day on earth. That made the teen anxious. What if it was his last day and he's not telling him? He wouldn't answer the boy's questions for him to know.

He also didn't come home yesterday...

Jungkook bit the bottom of his lip nervously at the thought.

"Kook! Kook, you listening?", a voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, sorry... what were you talking about again?", Jungkook asked sheepishly, feeling bad for tuning his friends out again. He just couldn't get out of his own head today.

"Hoseok and I went to the fair yesterday. It was fun", Namjoon answered, stopping by his locker to retrieve materials for class.

"Yeah?", Jungkook asked, considering going out there himself.

He thought to go with his friends of course but a certain person crossed his mind as well. Maybe - just maybe, he'll see Jennie there too. Maybe, he can find an opportunity to chat with her. He blushed at the idea.

"The best part was Hoseok on the swing ride. Absolutely hilarious! I'm sure he peed himself"

"Jerk! I'm right here!", Hoseok pouted as Namjoon laughed at his embarrassment. "That ride should be illegal!"

"A ten year old went on it!", Namjoon choked through his laughter almost doubling over.

Jungkook smiled at the scene of his friends getting along with one another. Recently, they all haven't been hanging out as much as he would like. Hoseok always had somewhere to be with the popular crew. He tended to follow the crowd. Namjoon goes home as soon as school ends to study only to repeat the same activity the following day.

And as for Jungkook... well, he's constantly put on punishment. Not only for bringing home exotic animals and accidentally destroying household properties, but for simple things too. One time he got grounded for not remembering to throw away the expired milk. He didn't think it was his job to. This leaves him to wonder once again, what could be wrong with his dad.

I let out two snakes in our home and he still didn't ground me

How odd. Scary.

"Kook! Kook, you good man?", Namjoon spoke, snatching the ravenette out of his mixed thoughts once again. "You've been acting weird all morning"

"Sorry, it's just... I need to tell you guys something", Jungkook stated, having both Hoseok and Namjoon's full undivided attention. "Yesterday my dad showed me affection and told me never doubt his love for me. He also said that I'm not grounded", he told and the other two stared surprised at the information.

"That's odd. You're dad never does that. Did he do something wrong?". Jungkook shrugged in response to the his friend's words.

"Could he be seeing someone?", Hoseok chimed in leaving Jungkook to think about the idea.

Initially, he thought it would bother him to think of his dad with another woman but it didn't. It didn't bother him much. Not as much as much as he originally expected it to. He got over his mother's leave a while back in the beginning of high school. He's tried countless time to try to reach out to her but no response. He hasn't seen or heard from his mother in over twelve years. She was practically dead in his eyes.

"I don't think it's that", Namjoon replied.

"Then maybe it was murder!", Hoseok blurted, having a spur of ideas.

This startled Jungkook.

"Oh shit! He did say no matter the mistakes", Jungkook gasped.

It would make sense as to why his dad sat in the dark room yesterday in complete utter silence. He never knew his dad was a psychopath.

Oh my fucking god!

Am I next?

What should I do?

Should I finish my overdue homework first?

I can't fail my classes before death!

How embarrassing...

"Both of you are dimwits!", Namjoon sighed, rubbing his temples with his free hand. "You're dad most likely didn't commit homicide. He could just be in some serious trouble", he reassured and adjusted his glasses, tightening his hold on his books.

"What do you mean?"

"Because of murder!", Hoseok stated and Jungkook eyed him still contemplating that possibility.

"Can we stop talking about murder in school!", Namjoon huffed, shaking his head. "Trouble as in with money, maybe"

Jungkook frowned, understanding what Namjoon was implying. His dad was indeed gambling again and he knew it. He would come back late at night more and more depressed each night. Probably from the amount of money he was losing weekly. And it doesn't go unnoticed that the some of the bills are going unpaid. This disappointed the student. The last time his dad got himself in trouble, he had to use his saved up college funds to pay off the debt.

But why hide it from me?

"You could be right". And with that said, the bell rang, signaling the students that class was about to start.

Jungkook watched as his two friends turned to each other to walk to the class they shared together.

Hoseok turned back to face him. "If I see Jennie. Give her the same message?", he asked, receiving a nod from the ravenette. He then smiled, sending a thumbs up before turning back around to head to class.

Jungkook swiftly turned around to the opposite direction to head to his own locker. When he approached his side, he heard a loud bang followed by further ruckus. Interested to see what was happening, he directed his eyes over to a direction where students cleared the area. He came to discover two people swallowing each other whole.

Gross, get a damn room

He rolled his eyes at the sight, not in the mood to watch for a second longer and grabbed his belongings. He slammed his locker shut, securing it before taking off down the hall. He never understood the reason for PDA. He thought it was unnecessary for people, such as the two he witnessed, to practically have sex in the hallway.

Have some respect

With the urge to take a quick glance back out of curiosity, he did exactly that. As the saying goes curiosity killed the cat.

Jungkook stared in horror, unable to look away from the unholy sight. He watched as the guy he despised the most in the world get pinned back against the lockers with someone guy sucking his face off. He continued to watch and accidentally caught Jimin's eye contact. He froze, not knowing how to react.

A wink was sent in his direction and Jungkook could feel the bile rise up in his throat.

I'm going to throw up!

Nausea hit the student and that's when he got the courage to look away. Within minutes, he scurried off down the hall to the nearest bathroom. He was tempted to stab his eyes out but chose to rinse them instead. He knew next time to just mind his own business.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bye lovelies

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