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Sunlight shown throw the room, hitting a half conscious Jungkook in the face. He groaned, lifting up his upper body and rubbed his tired, puffy eyes that were a result from sobbing all night. He still couldn't believe the circumstance he was in and felt the need to cry again. But he knew crying wasn't going solve anything and only make him more miserable.

He looked to the side of him, noticing a drink on the nightstand. He picked it up to examine it and rolled his eyes seeing it had a sticky note attached to it saying 'I know last night was rough, so I hope this morning smoothie can make up for it. XOXO JM'.

He scoffed, getting up to empty the contents in the toilet, throwing the cup in the nearby trash.

Since he was already in the bathroom, he did his business and saw that the room contained a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste, along with fresh towels. He wondered when this got here. He brushed it off, not caring enough to know and began his daily routine as if he was in his own house.

When finished, he got up and checked his phone. He saw countless messages from his dad and deleted them all, not in the mood the read them. He knew it was empty apologies and false promises to do better. He can't believe his dad put him in this situation. He can't believe his dad traded him for money.

The thought made him sick.

Feeling rather bored, he stood up and observed the room he was in. To say it's abnormally huge is an understatement. Jungkook has never seen a room so big and for this to be a guest room, amazed him. The room even had a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, oversized windows, large mirrors and expensive carpeting.

It felt illegal for Jungkook to be set foot inside.

He continued his search outside of the room and stepped down the spiral staircase, running his fingers along the clean timber. Once he set foot in the living room, he spotted someone far in the kitchen, wearing professional chef's attire.

"Who the hell are you?", he asked and the person before him flinched at the sudden voice from behind, turning around.

"Good morning sir, my name is Yoonjae. The Park family's personal chef", the individual said, bowing politely.

Let me guess, they have a personal maid too

"Would you like me to make you breakfast sir?"

Jungkook shook his head, denying the service. He doesn't want to get acquainted to living here. It's bad enough he's going to have to consider this place his home until said otherwise.

"No thanks and it's Jungkook. I'm not your boss", he said, realizing that they were the only two present in the house. "Speaking of which, where is he?", he asked, referring to an absent strawberry haired teenager.

"Who may we be talking about?"

The obnoxious brat

"Jimin", Jungkook answered and the chef nodded.

"Oh he had stepped out for a bit. He shall be back soon", Yoonjae informed and saw how the younger stood with his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do. "If you'd like you can check out the cinema room. Guests prefer that room the most", he suggested.

A chef and a cinema room?

Rich bastards

Jungkook shook his head and dismissed himself from the conversation. He decided it will be best to stay put in the room until the brat gets home. When he reached the top of the second floor, he's glad he remembered where to go because the house was definitely a maze.

He sat back down on the bed still unsure of what to do. He could use the company of his friends, but didn't want to talk to anybody at the moment. He still needed to process everything that just happened. Right now, he wanted to relax and ease his mind before he loses his shit.

He found a nearby remote and switched on the TV. Unlike at his apartment, there was not only entertainment channels but also subscription services. He clicked on the Netflix icon and contemplated if he was allowed to create a personal profile or not. He decided against it and clicked on Jimin's, picking something random to watch.

He leaned back and relaxed against the headboard of the bed, watching the popular show: Squid Games. He's heard people discuss about it and how spectacular it was but never got the chance to check it out.

A few hours passed and a knock was heard outside of his door, distracting him from the show. He frowned, pausing the show and before he could permit the person inside, the door was already opening itself.

"I never said you could come in", Jungkook frowned and the smaller shrugged.

"You never said not to come in", Jimin smirked, stepping inside, holding a small bag in his hand. "I got you a small house warming gift", he said, handing over the bag.

Jungkook eyed it, taking out a small teddy bear. His frown deepened at the sight and he tossed it back to him.

"I don't want it"

"It's also to help you sleep. I saw that last night you had trouble doing so", Jimin said, placing the bear on the bed.

"You watched me sleep? Fucking creep", Jungkook retorted and Jimin sighed, ignoring the comment.

"Are you hungry? Wanna come with me to get something to eat?"

Jungkook scoffed at his act. He knew the other was pretending to be kind. He knows he actually has no other choice and would have to join him. He knows Jimin practically owns him now and there's nothing he can do about it. It disgusted him. Jimin disgusted him.

"It's not like I have choice, now do I?"

"You do. If you would like to stay here alone then be my guest. It was only an offer", Jimin stated, causing Jungkook laugh dryly.

"Oh please, spare the lies"

"It's true. You do have free will here"

"Oh yeah? What happens if I try to leave?", Jungkook tested and saw how the other's reaction changed.

"As in to not come back?", Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded in response. "Don't", was all that he said in return.

"That doesn't answer my question"

"Just don't", Jimin stated once more and sighed, rubbing his temples. "Look if you don't want to attend me to lunch then that's fine. You can have our chef make you something", he finished, turning to head out the door.

Jungkook bit his lip nervously, hesitating for a moment before saying, "Wait. I am hungry". He then stood up from the bed, dusting his pants off. It was true. He was indeed hungry. And he could use the distraction.

Jimin turned around with a smirk and grabbed ahold of his hand, pulling him towards the door.

The ravenette retracted his hand, sending the smaller a threatening glare. "Keeps your hands off", he scowled, shoving his way past the smaller once again.

Jimin stumbled back and kept his bright smile of accomplishment.

"Soon you'll be begging me to run my hands all along your body"

The comment made Jungkook visibly shudder. He never wants to hear him say something like that again. It made him queasy to even think about.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bye lovelies

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