Soliloquy: Mt. Selecta (Arc 2) Part 27: Russian Roulette

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🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Wakes Up, Gasps*

🍪🍦: "Whoa! Are You okay...? You kinda passed out all of a sudden."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Yeah... I'm okay. I just happened to hear a Voice again. But instead of a soft one, it's deep. It told Me to go...."

⚫🫐🥧👔: "'go....' where?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "'Ten Steps Forward And Take A Hit.'...?"

🍪🍦: *Knows What That Meant* "You mean.... YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE DOWN THE TSAR BY A RUSSIAN ROULETTE!?"

🍋🍮🌂: "Russian Roulette, what's that...?"

🍪🍦: "A Duel on whoever challenges the Tsar on the Garden, whoever takes a hit onto the Tsar is the winner. It's a Traditional Game for adults and grown up Teenagers only."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Wait, I had to take down the Tsar on that Challenge!?"

🍪🍦: "It's what that Voice told You to do so, no...?"

⚫🫐🥧👔: "Let's save that for later, but now We need to find Liam first..."


Liam is getting colder and colder than before and was about to pass out. He really need to get rid of the ropes in His hands first. He then felt a spike on His Back and uses it as a knife to cut the ropes there, the ropes cut off. He took off the cloth in His mouth and bang the Door opened really loud but to no Avail.

🟢🔑🥧: *Banging The Door Really Loud* "HEY!!!!! HELLO!!!! ANYBODY THERE!?!?!?!?!?"

But Nobody Came...

He started shivering a lot as He gets a lot colder and that He gets a bit of a frostbite.

???: "Hang in there.... You're Friends are coming for You soon..."

🟢🔑🥧: *Shivering* "I-- I ca-- It's so cold........"

Back With The Others...

Ben saw the Tsar who was, Y'all guessed it, eating all the sweets in the table. He asked Him where Liam was and the Tsar replied with a shook in His head, Ben went frustrated with this and leaves. Little did He know that the Tsar smirked that He will soon eat His Lime Friend sooner or later. Meanwhile with Benedict, He saw a small figure who looked like an Ice Cream but was upside down. It's name was Cherri(A/N: IDK the name of the small companion Ezra Dorothea has with throne, for those who know please tell Me thank you.) and It runs away as Ben tries to follow Him to... 'The Kitchen? Why here...?' Ben thought as He continues to follow the small Ice Cream. He then felt something cold onto His feet, realized that there was a Refrigerator around here somewhere. The Ice Cream Companion stopped It's tracks and walked up towards Ben, who lended a hand for It to go onto His shoulder and It did. He then saw a Huge Refrigerator but was sort of locked He tried to break it open but hears a click behind Him and He stopped, frozen in His tracks. He turned around and saw Ivan with a Revolver in His Hand, eyes were fuchsia pink. Ben knew the answer, Liam is in the Refrigerator freezing.

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Let Him go, Sir. I beg of You..."

🍨☦️: "You think so...? I think not."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Is that why You've been eating sweets all day!? No wonder..."

🍨☦️: "If You want Your Friend go, You and I are gonna have a Challenge in the Garden. If You Win, I'll let Your Friend go, but if I Win... You will face the consequences. Deal?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Breathes Deeply* "Fine, deal..."

They both shake hands together and as Ivan lets it go Ben now has a Revolver in His hand. He hid it in His pocket and leaves. Ivan turned around to the Refrigerator and opens it. Then suddenly, He gets pushed by Liam, who had finally escape the Kitchen. Pityriasis had no choice but to duplicate Itself so that It will catch Him in no time. Liam on the other hand, felt warmer but was struggle to get run faster. He felt something grab Him and it was one of Pityriasis Tentacle. He tried to get it off but to no Avail, It grabbed Him back to where Ivan stands still.

🍨☦️: "You think You can get away from Me, do You....?"

🟢🔑🥧: *Struggles* "Let Me go, You son of a b*tch!"

🍨☦️: "Oh I will.... Soon."

It threw Him instead into a huge jar filled with cold water in it, close the lid above Him and walks out immediately leaving Liam drowning in the cold.

🟢🔑🥧: *In His Thought* "I need to get out of here!!!" *Bang The Glass* "I... Can't... Breathe......!"

He tried all His might to get out but was quickly ran out of oxygen, thus drowning.

🟢🔑🥧: *In His Thought* "Somebody.... Anybody........ Help... Me........."


Ben came back with a melancholy look in His Cerulean Blue Eyes. Colins then sees a Revolver in His Pocket, knowing that He was gonna do the Challenge.

🍪🍦: "Benedict....."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "...?"

🍪🍦: "Here's a hint..." *Whispers In Ben's Ear* (Can You Guys Guess...?)

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "...!?"

🍪🍦: "Trust Me..."

In The Garden...

Ben walks out of the Garden takes off His Sky Blue Suit as does of Ivan's oversized scarf revealing His Fangs. Hethyr stood in the center away from the Two to give Them space. She then started counting in Russian as She counts, Ivan and Benedict turned around Their back and started pacing forward.

🍯🍧: [In Russian] "One, Two, Three, Four...."

In Ben's Flashback...

🍪🍦: *Whispers In Ben's Ear* "You must hit Him in the Head First then the Heart... That's the hint..."

End of Flashback...

🍯🍧: [In Russian] "Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine...." [In English] ".... Ten Paces, Fire...!"


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