{Part 32: The Concert of Three Rulers} Train To Lovejoy Village

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What.... What was that...?

He couldn't help but wonder what did he just saw. An Archangel...? His Sapphire Eyes felt... Calm, and free. But the Words, it felt...
Incoherent yet, understandable.
The Song, what does that mean?
He didn't know. He decided to shake it off after He hears a cash register dinging. Looks like Walter already pack the Suit for Him.

🍉🍮: *Noticed* "You okay there, Ben...? You look kinda..... Zoned out."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Huh...?" *Realize* "O-oh... Yes, yes, I'm okay... Sorry."

🍉🍮: "Oh no, it's fine... Here's your Valorem Suit. Enjoy your time there..!"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "I will... Thanks."

Timeskip, At The Train Station...

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Whoa...! I didn't know there's a train station here... It's so awesome!!!"

🍎🥧👔: "Right.... I forgot to mention you this... But, wherever we go, we sometimes use this train station to go there faster."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Awesome...!!!"

🍎🥧👔: "I know right...?"

???: "My, my... I didn't think you'd be here today...."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Gasp* "Officer Tam-Lin...! I would say the same thing..."

🍊🍰👮‍♂️: "So, heading out to Lovejoy Village...?"

🍎🥧👔: "Yep... I have to be his(Ben) wingman again just like I did with Leon back then...."

🍊🍰👮‍♂️: "I see..."

???: "Tam, can you step aside for a moment...?"

🍊🍰👮‍♂️: "Right.... Friends, meet Julien Benson, the conductor of this train."

🍮🍬: "Oh... You must be Ben McLain that Tam told me."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Y-yes, Sir..."

🍮🍬: "Don't be shy... First time seeing a train...?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Y-yeah..... It's... Awesome...!"

🍮🍬: "Yep, being taking care of it for decades. Hop aboard, people. Lovejoy Village, here we go..."

🍋🍮🌂: "Yay! Can't wait...!!!"

🍮🍬: "ALL ABOARD!!!!!"

Officer Tam-Lin wave them goodbye and good luck as the train heads off to Lovejoy Village. Our Primary Trio; Alan, Ben and Leon are looking for their seats as they finally found one and sat down. Mr. Benson then come out for ticket inspection afterwards, he heads back to the driver's seat. Then, a vendor asked some passengers if they are hungry. Coincidentally, Ben got a bit hungry and thought a small snack couldn't hurt a bit. He asked the vendor for a snack and she gave him a Plum Pudding. He thank the vendor and she left. He ate one as the train still going. He looks at the window, mesmerizing the landscape right in front of Him, He didn't notice Alan behind Him doing the same. Leon on the other hand, groans in boredom, like a child.

🍋🍮🌂: *Groans* "Are We there yet....?"

🍎🥧👔: "No yet, Leon.... The Village is a few minutes away from Madeleine, I suppose."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Yawn* "Imma go take a nap, wake me up when we get there... Good day." *Dozed off*

🍎🥧👔: "Sure...."

As the train goes into the tunnel, it went on a road bump on most of the rails, making Ben feeling uncomfortable to sleep. He gets up realizes that no one's there, He looked around the train even the driver's port, no one's there. Nobody was here, only Him alone. The train was still inside the tunnel. He began to hear distorted sounds, as visions flashed out right before Him. He tucked His fingers through the strands of His Light Blonde Hair, covering his ears. It hurts Him so much.... SO MUCH. He tries to get it out of Him but it still hurts Him so much...

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