Soliloquy: Heartfell City (Arc 3) Part 35: Chervil's Addicted Poison

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🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Who... Who are you...?"

👼🌺❤️: "Who am I? Who am I...? I am Archangel Chamuel. I came down from Heaven to hear your aid..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Oh... I see.... It's just... I had a problem..."

👼🌺❤️: "Oh, do tell me... I am here for anything..."

After Explaining...

👼🌺❤️: "Oh, Yikes...! I didn't knew you're in a dilemma of a love triangle scenario. You tell me that you love the Pecan Pie Crustelle(Irene), but now you like the Valentine Ruler(Chervolet Stellar) himself and you can't tell what to do now because of that...?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: *Blushes Slightly* "Yeah..."

👼🌺❤️: *Thinks* "Let's just say... You're too early to develop feelings for someone you barely met."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "I... Do...?"

👼🌺❤️: "Well, obviously... Yes. In other words, You aren't ready for a relationship. At all..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Huh...."

👼🌺❤️: "Why don't you try to be more friendly to her, and once you had a chance to develop that feeling, you'll get to confess her how you feel... How does that sound...?"

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "I'll... Try..."

👼🌺❤️: "Great...! I'll see if you succeed. Take care..." *Flies Off*

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "You too... In Heaven..."

Ben went outside the Chapel while pondering on what the Archangel told Him. And it's true, He wasn't ready for a real relationship... He was so lost in thought while taking a stroll until He accidentally bumps someone and that someone has Long(As in, it covers the whole back)Platinum White Hair, Tan Skin, wears a Black Blazer, and a Gray Shirt underneath. He wears shades in his eyes, as well.

???: "Whoa! You okay there...?" *Helps Him Up* "You're pretty clumsy lately..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Yeah... I'm so sorry..."

???: "It's okay..." *Walks Passed By, Waves From Behind* "Please watch where you're going next time..."

🫐🧁/🫐🍰🍩: "Okay... Thanks."

He said as he, the White-Haired Passerby left, and He continues walking across the streets while pondering what to do, because He doesn't know how to handle relationship very well... Until something caught His eye, and that is the Flower Shop. He wonder, if she gives Her some flowers, she'll like them. And so, He goes there...


🌈🧸: "CHERVOLET!!!!"

Gumiyo yelled incredulously like a lion. When He open the door to the Throne Room, He aggressively paced towards Chervolet who is sitting in His Heart-shaped Throne, eating a box filled with bite-sized brownies.

🍫💝: *Annoyed* "Do You mind...? I'm in a middle of a snack."

🌈🧸: "What the FUCK WAS THAT MOVE!?"

🍫💝: "...what move?"

🌈🧸: "The Fan Language that You formed in front of a Blueberry Madeleian...! I saw that."

🍫💝: "Oh.... That move?" *Chuckles* "Don't worry, I was just curious about that boy..." *Giggles*

🌈🧸: "Don't play dumb, I know you're gonna do something I assume you will do, don't you...


As Chervolet hears this, his eyes went from Coral Pink to Magenta, that meant that Yandel, the Alternate Jelly of Lust is now awaken. Gumiyo is now confronting the Alternate Jelly of Lust.

Yandel: "How did you know that I was gonna do that, Prince Gumiyo...?"

🌈🧸: "It's by how you're in some sort of daze, thinking about what to do with your Victims, while eating a snack. It's obvious..."

Yandel: "Huh... You caught me. But that won't stop me to do my work..."

🌈🧸: *Fumed* "Listen here, you Sadistic Grooming Pervert, if you do something to him, I swear to the Savior that I'm going to kill you for good... You hear me...?"

Yandel: "Yeah, yeah, I get the gimmick. Geez, why are you defending a Young Adult like Him from an adult like my host, Chervil...?"

🌈🧸: "I say so, because the Chervolet Stellar I knew would never made a suspicious act on young adults. And that I trust his boundaries in regards of Consensual Lust. Okay...?"

Yandel: "Hmph... You're mean."

🌈🧸: *Sarcastic* "Says the Jelly who's infected with a chancre in his mouth."

Yandel: *Growls* "We'll see about that..."

After that sudden confrontation, Chervolet went back to his senses and looks at Gumiyo with unfazed confusion and shock.

🍫💝: "Don't tell me..."

🌈🧸: "Yes, Chervil... He will do that. In your body..."

🍫💝: "And what of Avarice in Lilith's Body...?"

🌈🧸: "That Jelly literally thinks that she only did that for fun despite the disaster... And that she needed more people on the Atrium for her to trapped inside."

🍫💝: "I see..."

As He said that, He glance at Gumiyo's closed eyes, He stood up from His Throne, walks up to him and caress His hand to Their cheek. Gumiyo felt His touch as She looks at Him, revealing His Eyes.

But that was censored from the view as We looked at Chervolet only.

🍫💝: "You do look like you're possessed even though that's your natural color... And even did the opposite of the Sinful Jelly's Act."

🌈🧸: "Ie(No)..." *Lets Go Of His Hand, Closed His Eyes* "My people made the Act of Diligence... Because They knew that My Eyes are Cursed and that I was born with it this way..."

🍫💝: *Pities* "I understand... You have to go. You have a debut to perform..."

🌈🧸: "Sure... Later." *Leaves*

A/N: The joke I made on Gumiyo is actually a Syphilis joke... Sorry.

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