Chapter: VIII

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I woke up to a loud crack.

Then a snap.

A scream.

And a thump.

I shot up from where I was sleeping, and I looked around. I slowly pulled my sword out, getting ready for a fight.

I then heard a moan.

I slowly walked around the tree, looking around for the thing that made the moan. When I was about to get to the source, a branch hit my head.

"Ouch." I said, rubbing my head.

I then continued around the tree. I stopped dead still when I saw who made the sound.

The girl.

She was unconscious, and looked like she broke some of her bones. I slowly advanced, not knowing what might happen. I slowly pointed my sword at her, and I poked her ever so lightly. She didn't get up. I slowly put my sword down. This was good on my part, but then bad on my part. The reasons:

One, I now had someone to take care of. Great.

Two, this girl was following me the whole time.

Three, I now don't have to venture very far to find this girl.

I sat down beside her, looking her over. She only had a few daggers, and a sword. She also had a small pouch of something. I slowly reached over, and I untied it from her belt. I then checked what was inside of it. My pieces.

I poured the pieces out into my hand. All ten of them were there. I leaned back, and I began to think of what to do with this girl. She obviously was hurt, and she needed medical attention. But nothing could heal her. I could probably do a few bones, but nothing further than that.

Then, the idea struck me. The tall man. He could help me. He could heal this girl, then I could go and do something else. Or, I could just leave her here to die. But that sounded a little unfair. She most likely wanted to die a different way.

I shook my head, then said, "James, you are an idiot."

I began by taking her weapons off her. I put them all on me, knowing that no one could take them off me, without me knowing it. I then picked her up, slung her over my shoulder, and I walked back over to my campsite. I put her down, knowing I couldn't hold her forever. I then took my buck hide, and I draped it over her. I then began to heal her some of wounds.


In the morning, I began to try to make her drink some water. It was a complete fail, but it was better than having her dead. She obviously was able to move, if it wasn't for the fact that she was unconscious. So, I began trying to make her conscious. I slapped her. Didn't work. I dunked her head in cold water. Didn't work.

"This girl is out cold." I said to myself.

I then remembered something that the boy had said.

"Come back to the bridge again if you want to talk."

I decided to do just that. I slung the girl over my shoulder, and I began to walk to the bridge. I followed my path made with the stick into the nicer part of the forest. I then began to follow the broken trees. This time I was smart though. I looked down sometimes to make sure that I don't fall.

When I did get to the bridge, I put her down so she was propped up against the bridge. I then waited for the boy. I waited. And waited. And waited. But the boy never came. Finally, I gave up. I stood up, and began to walk to the other side of the bridge. A blue orb suddenly appeared.

I stopped dead still. The orb then began to form into the boy.

"Hello James. Do you need me?" said the boy thing.


"Well, I am not in Eqvahall anymore. I am on my way to Lanvestt." said the boy thing.

It then turned back into the orb, and disappeared.

My jaw dropped.

"Lanvestt? There? That's so far away, it will take me more than a week to get there!" I said, throwing up my arms.

I then stopped myself. I sighed, and faced the facts. The girl won't wake up, and the tall man was in Lanvestt. I looked at the girl, and I said, "You are causing me so much trouble, you know that?"

I then picked her up, and headed for the place I am most known in.


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