Chapter: XIX

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"Drop your weapons, an' put your hands on your head." said someone.

I slowly bent down, and I put my sword down. I then slowly stood back up, and I put my hands on my head. I looked around, and I tried to figure out what the heck was going on. It obviously was a robbery, but what were they after?

One of the robbers sheathed their sword, and walked toward me. He had a cut going down the side of one cheek, ending at his double chin. He looked like he use to have a beard, but it was shaved off long ago. His hair was a stormy gray, and his eyes had a stern look in them. He was a little fat, but he had muscles well built on his arms. He was wearing a brown cloak, with black boots, along with a belt. Along the belt, he had many knifes attached to it.

The man put his hand under my chin, and he lifted my chin up. He looked in my eyes, and seemed to be searching for something.

"What's your name, chief?" He asked.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yea, who else? Now, what's your name?"


"Hm." said the man, letting go of my chin.

He walked past me, toward Penelope. I was about to turn around, but I felt a knife against my throat. I was about to grab the knife, but the person behind me pressed the knife harder, drawing a trickle of blood. I grunted, and put my hands back on my head.

"Don't. Move. A muscle." Hissed a voice from behind me.

From what it seemed like, the voice was from a younger person. I opened my mind, and reached out to try to find the person. I saw a picture of a kid, maybe a little older than me, with a mask on, and a black cloak. I reached out to the person, and felt a dark, sad, and almost lonely presence.

I heard Penelope say something, then a muffled scream. It took me all my will power not to turn around. I heard someone being dragged (which was most likely Penelope), and then a thump. The man came into view again, as he walked to the far side of the camp. The man scanned us, then he made a decision.

"With discipline, James here could prove useful. Just like Nathan, here." said the man, gesturing to the person behind me.

"What about the girl?" asked Nathan from behind me.

"She's yours Nathan, 'cuz you found 'em." said the man, motioning at the others.

I could imagine what her eyes looked like, but I dared not to move my head. I heard Penelope's muffled scream, and her struggling. There was a sound like someone's bone broke, and then a groan. There were shuffles like people was running, people cursing, and people hitting someone. In my mind I put a mental note up to make sure that whoever did that were going to be killed.

"Ok, let's get outta' 'ere." said the leader.


As we walked across the desert, I thought of using magic for the first time. I was about to mutter a spell that could save me and Penelope, but I then remembered about the random sink holes. If I use a powerful physical spell, I could be easily killed by a sink hole. But, if I knew where the hollow ground was, I could use that to my advantage.

"So..." said Nathan, next to me.



"What? I don't want to use up my energy talking, so make it quick." I snapped.

Nathan thought for a while, then said, "Where are you from?"


Nathan looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "There? You're kidding me, right?"

"You got a problem against Lanvestt?"

"'s just...Crazy people come from there." said Nathan, fingering his knife.

I exhale, and shake my head. "You're more cowardly than I thought."

Nathan's knife was on my throat in two seconds flat. "Say that again."

"You. Are. More. Cowardly. Than. I. Though." I said, casually.

He glared at me, and said, "If it wasn't for Sid trying to recruit you, I don't think you would be alive."

Nathan then took his knife away, and sped up to the front of the group. As he got to the front, I muttered, "I'm not working for anyone until I get to Gernun."

"Wha'd you say, kid?" said someone from behind me.

"Nothing." I said.

"I'd better be nutton." said the guy.

I rolled my eyes, and prepared myself for a long day.


When we finally stopped to set up camp, I felt horrible. My legs seemed to just stop working, and my energy level was at its lowest in years. I was put up next to a large rock, which I was grateful for. I would have a place to lean on. It seemed like a nice place to set up camp, but with a small draw back. I could not see the Gernun Mountains. Earlier on, I could see the tallest peak, but it was just a dot. Now, I can't even see it.

Anyways, as I started to fall asleep, I began to think about how I was going to escape. If I could locate a potential sinkhole, I could escape, while I am totally safe. But I would need to have Penelope with me. That would be a little hard. But at the moment, I felt like falling asleep...

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