In Love's Starlit Harbor

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In a lively tavern, 'midst joyous cheer,
A pirate glimpsed a vision so clear,
His eyes locked on hers, love's flame did ignite,
He turned to his friend, his heart took flight.

"See yonder lass, a beauty untold,
The one I'll wed, my heart's stronghold."
Her charm, a guide through life's stormy sea,
Together they'd sail, love's journey free.

They danced like waves upon moonlit shores,
Two souls entwined, forevermore,
Through trials they'd face, united they'd stand,
Their love, a tale spun by fate's own hand.

So let it be known, from that very night,
A pirate found love, his heart's delight,
In the arms of the girl he knew at first sight,
A love story written by stars alight.

~P.S. The reference of the first few lines were taken from the popular series How I Met Your Mother.

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