Whispers of two Souls

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In the depths of my mind, I find myself lost in thoughts about her-her laughter, her touch, and the enigmatic theory of relativity that seems to connect us. But it all feels so unreal, like a distant dream I can't grasp.

As I grow older, I wonder if fate will ever bring us together. Will I ever get the chance to know the meaning of thousands of love songs with her by my side? I wish I could fathom how she feels about me, but it remains a mystery.

Love, to me, is not a revolution or a catastrophe; it's simply her. She makes my heart race, and her laughter echoes in my soul. When she sings, it's like witnessing a sunrise, a glow that warms the depths of my being.

I yearn to see her laugh with a face that no one else knows, a face that holds a secret connection between us. I can't help but wonder if she ever thinks about me the way I think about her.

In her presence, I feel a sense of calm, as if her speaking voice carries the same comforting hum my mother used to do. And in her silence, I find peace, as if I'm gazing at the stillness of the night sky.

My heart belongs to her, though she might not know it. She came into my life unexpectedly, disrupting my solitary existence like a traffic jam. But her very presence is the word I needed in this vast universe.

I long for her to know that she makes me who I am. I imagine showing her the affection that's been hidden within me, hoping she'll laugh at the revelation, even though I don't know if she feels the same way.

Her existence has become an essential part of me, and I can't help but wonder if she sees herself through my eyes. I wish I knew if she feels the connection, if she sees the love that resides in my heart.

As I continue to laugh with a face no one knows, I can only hope that one day, she'll reveal her feelings, and together, we'll discover the beauty of love-a love that has silently grown within me, waiting for the moment she'll finally know how much she means to me.

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