Whispers of the Woodland Heart

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In woods so deep, where secrets softly sway,
A tree stood tall, his heart concealed away.
With leaves that whispered secrets to the breeze,
He loved the soil, beneath the ancient trees.

Yet, like a brook that flows without a word,
He kept his love for soil deeply unheard.
For fear that if his heart's truth were revealed,
Their friendship's roots might wither and be sealed.

His branches, strong, reached out in gentle grace,
Embracing soil in a silent, sweet embrace.
But words of love, he never dared to speak,
In love's profound silence, his heart did leak.

He watched the soil, the seasons ebb and flow,
Through snow and sun, their friendship seemed to grow.
He longed to say, "I love you," oh so much,
Yet feared to lose her with that whispered touch.

In frosty nights and mornings bathed in gold,
Their bond grew deeper as the years did fold.
Though love unspoken, it was pure and true,
For in the soil, the tree found love anew.

In woods so deep, where secrets softly sway,
The tree and soil, together, they would stay.
In silence, love bloomed, a tale untold,
As nature's symphony, their hearts did hold.

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