Canvas of Silent Longing

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He's drawn to her, emotions burning bright.
She, with grace that makes his heart race,
But his love remains hidden, a secret space.

Every moment they share, a portrait of desire,
In his heart, he carries an unspoken fire.
She may sense the truth, though it stays unsaid,
Her heart explores, a path yet to tread.

She's aware of his gaze, the feelings so pure,
But her heart seeks another, seeking a cure.
He cherishes their friendship, every moment true,
While she searches for love, a different view.

Yet, he can't help but hope, like a candle's faint glow,
That she might someday see, the love he won't show.
But for now, he keeps his feelings, a silent art,
Hoping she'll find happiness, and mend her own heart.

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