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When we walk in, I see both my other adult brothers leaning against the wall waiting for us.

"Well, now that I've seen that she is, in fact, alive, that's my queue to leave," Ezra states, disappearing upstairs.

Grayson nods towards the table, and I know that my queue is to sit. Ashton just looks at me, clearly waiting for me to explain.

"That was Kaya and Lily, the friends I made that I told you about." I started trying to figure out where I was going with this. Ashton just looks at me, expression blank.

"Kaya has been wanting to hang out for a few days now, you know, do something outside of school."

"And you couldn't have just asked to hang out with her after school or something?" Grayson questions breaking the silence.

I just shrug; I can't tell them why without bringing up the anxiety, but I don't want to lie either, so silence is the best option.

"Really, nothing else to say," Ashton finally states

"Well, okay, I'll have your phone for the foreseeable future since you clearly don't understand that the point of it is to keep it on so we can call you. You will go to no social events for the next three weeks until the dance."

I sigh a breath of release, glad he isn't taking that away from me, at least.

"And since, apparently, you need to learn the importance of school, you will do one educational volunteer experience for every class you miss. Am I clear?"

"Yes," I state, knowing he will prefer a verbal answer. I slid my phone across the table from him and head up to my room until dinner.

"So I heard little baby over here was stupid enough to ditch school; I mean, way to go Asp, even I don't dare miss a class," Westin snickered at me.

I shot a glare back at him, rolling my eyes at the same time when I caught Miles's eye even  he was giving me a look that said 'Really.'

I shrunk back in my seat as Grayson easily diverted to conversation to the boys' football practice. Soon dinner was over, and as I was getting up to clear my plate, I was stopped by Ashton.

"Stay," he commanded

Miles gave me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as my brothers cleared out of the room, and soon it was only me and him.

"Aspen do you know why I was so panicked today?" he questioned me

"Because you couldn't find me," I responded quietly, unsure why we were still talking about this.

"Only a little over two years ago, someone tried to grab you from our front yard; it's absolutely terrifying thinking I wouldn't be able to find you or protect you from trouble."

I sank lower in my seat, feeling even guiltier, if that's possible. It's true in the middle of sixth grade, I was helping bring groceries in, and somehow from the timing of it all, I ended up being the only person outside for about two minutes. A strange car pulled up, and four men jumped out; if Ashton hadn't walked out of the door when he did, I would have been done for it. I was so scared at the moment I didn't even remember to scream.

"I'm sorry" I apologize again because it feels like the only thing I can do.

"Do you truly have no more explanation for why you were at that coffee shop today" he mused.

"No," seemed to be the only word I could utter without breaking down

Ashton just sighs

"Go upstairs, Aspen, and have an early night; I love you, bug."

I stand up, pausing for a moment before giving Ashton a quick side hug and a quick I love you before I dash up the stairs.


Being grounded absolutely sucks; I can't even enjoy hanging out in my brothers' offices after school because my only option for entertainment is homework. I am down to my last week of grounding and have officially completed four days of volunteer work at a nearby elementary school. As I am sitting here in Ezra's office I can't help but zone out, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

"What's that mind of yours so stuck on, princess?"

His words startle me out of my thought

"Nothing," I mumble

"Try again."

"I was thinking about homecoming, I don't have a dress to wear, and I don't see how I am gonna get one in time, with well everything."

Ezra just stares at me for a moment.

"I'll make you a deal; you can have 15 minutes on the computer to find a dress and order it home."

I practically squeal at his offer and immediately rush over to him

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I state, wrapping my arms around him.

I end up finding a dark green halter dress that isn't flowy but isn't skin tight either; I mean, I want my brother to actually let me out of the house in it. Ezra and I make our way home now for another boring evening in our house, well, at least for me, but my mood isn't nearly as bad as it should be now that I have found a dress to wear.

My friends and I talk during school to make plans, and they have agreed to take pictures at my house before the dance. The boy Kaya is obsessed with. Still hasn't asked her, so we have agreed to go as a group. Although I am hesitant to ask my brother, seeing as I am not free from my sentence yet, I know I will have to soon since I can't really wait until the day of.

"Ashton," I break the single of the dinner table; he gives me a glance prompting me to continue.

"Can my friends come over before the dance starts Saturday so we can take pictures here?"

I hear Westin snicker from across the table. "Ballsy asking for something when you are grounded" I see Miles hit his twin in response, but I ignore it and just turn back to Ashton. No use getting in a fight when I am trying to get something I want.

"As long as your good behavior continues this week, I don't see why not," He states

I give him a huge smile and go back to eating my meal, I can do this only a week, and now I for sure have something to look forward to. 


I rearranged the chapters a little bit so if you read chapter three right when it cam out and then read this and some of it feels repetitive that's because it is.

Homecoming is in the next chapter do you think it will go smoothly or is Aspen gonna find herself in another sticky situation with her brothers? 

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