9: Bedroom

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Adele's POV:

I was busy getting ready for bed when I heard someone come into the room, but I'd recognise those footsteps from anywhere.

"Getting ready for bed, baby?" Simon asked as he grabbed his toothbrush from the bathroom and started putting toothpaste on it.

"Yeah, I've had a long day, and tomorrow is going to be even longer," I said with a sigh. I was busy packing my clean laundry away, but then I suddenly felt a pair of arms being wrapped around my waist. I was startled at first, but then my body immediately relaxed when I recognised the touch.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself like this, Laurie. Remember what happened last time," Simon said, struggling a bit to talk because of the toothpaste in his mouth. I turned around with my mouth hanging open and playfully slapped his chest. "Nothing happened the last time," I said, trying to hide my smirk.

"Oh, really?" He mumbled as he walked to the bathroom to spit out his toothpaste. "If I remember correctly, the last time you 'overworked' yourself, you forgot to pick up Peanut from school, and he sat there for hours waiting for you," Simon said with a cheeky smile.

"Hey, that was not my fault. I thought you were going to pick him up," I said, crossing my arms over my chest with a pout.

"Laurie, I was on a business trip. You know that just as well as I do," he said as he walked toward me with a smile. "Okay, fine. I forget things when I'm tired. It's not my fault that my job is exhausting," I said while making my way to the bed.

"Laurie," Simon said in a warning tone. "What?" I asked, confused, still walking towards the bed. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and twirled me to face him, placing his callused hands on the dip of my back.

"The bed will be there in a minute," he said as he started kissing my neck. "Simon, I'm tired. I need to sleep," I said while giggling.

"Sleep can wait," he said with a smile, intending for something else to happen. "No, Simon, you just said it yourself that I'm overworked," I said with a pout.

"Come on, please," he whined like a child. "It's been so long." Gosh, I'm married to a baby.

"No, Si, I need my beauty sleep," I said, pecking his lips quickly, but before I could escape his hold, he pulled me in for a kiss. I didn't resist at all but rather kissed him back with a smile forming on my face. The kiss was so passionate; it was as if we haven't seen each other in weeks. After a while, the kiss got more heated, but I stopped him from going further.

"Baby, I have to sleep," I said, breaking from the kiss. Caressing the sides of his face with my hands. "Ugh, fine," he groaned, which caused me to giggle at his disappointment.

"Come on, let's go to bed," I said, grabbing his hand and guiding him to our bed. Simon takes off his shirt before he gets into his side of the bed. He never liked to sleep with one anyways. As we both get into our sides of the bed, we get into the position that we sleep in every night.

I lay on my left side, while Simon pulls me by the waist closer to his body. He rests his warm hand on my stomach while I entwine our fingers together. I lean more back against his chest, trying to absorb the warmth of his body. Our bodies fitted so perfectly together, almost like a puzzle. We were certainly made for each other.

It was so peaceful, and I almost fell asleep until I felt Simon's deep voice vibrate against my back, and what he said caught me off guard. "Do you think we could take Lia to Alison's grave?" He asked. I was so confused by why he thought he needed my permission for him to take her to Alison's grave, even though she could go there herself if she wanted to.

"Well, I mean if she wanted to go, I won't stop her. I'm not going to lie. I don't feel comfortable with it, but I know I can't do anything about it because she did raise Lia. But why are you asking?" I said, turning my body onto my right side to face Simon.

"I spoke to Lia earlier, and I asked her if she was doing fine because I knew that Alison's death anniversary was coming up soon. So I asked her if she wanted to visit her grave, but she was so defensive and said no immediately. When I asked her why, she said that she knows that you won't be too happy about her visiting Alison's grave and that you probably won't allow it. I don't know, I just felt the need to tell you," he finished.

"Why would she think I wouldn't allow her to go and visit Alison's grave? I never did in the past, why would I now?" I asked, confused.

"I have no clue, babe. I was wondering the same thing. But anyways, let's not worry about it now, let's sleep," Simon said with a yawn, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Oh, so now you want to sleep," I said with a smirk while snuggling closer to him. "Shh," he hushed me, which caused my smile to grow even bigger.

"I love you, you big baby," I said while closing my eyes and taking in the moment. "I love you too, Laurie," he replied, kissing my forehead gently.

Then both of us fell into a peaceful sleep.

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