12: The Interview

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Lia's POV:

"We're live in 3...2...1..." The cameraman nods at James to start talking.

"Good evening, everyone!" James shouts to the camera and audience. I try not to laugh because I find it ironic that he says 'good evening' even though it's still morning.

"Tonight, we have a special guest joining us. Her new album 'July' has had over 10 million streams in the first week of its release, and I'm sure that 10 million tears were shed while listening to it. But most of all, her powerful voice will shake you to the bone. Please, everyone, welcome... Lia!"

That was my cue to go on stage. I walk out of the darkness with confidence and smile the widest I ever have. The audience is roaring with excitement and shouting my name. This feels so surreal, even though this is my new reality.

James greets me with a hug and invites me to sit on the couch. As I sit down, I sigh out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I cross my legs, trying to look as presentable as possible.

"Lia, it is so good to finally have you on the show," James starts. "Well, I am more than honored to be here on the show. Thank you for having me," I say with a smile.

"This is your first interview if I'm not mistaken?" James asks, as if he didn't already know. "Yeah, it sure is," I nod.

"Well, then the pressure is on me to make it your best interview," James jokes, and the audience laughs. 'Damn, he's good at his job,' I think.

"So we're going to play a game later called Spill your guts, I'm sure you've heard of it."

"Yes, I have. I'm super excited to play it, even though I'm terrified of a few of the dishes that will be on the table," I say anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll give you the best dishes on the table," he says, emphasising the word 'best.' I just narrow my eyes at him and force a smile.

"How kind of you," I smile even wider.

"Well, before we play the game, I wanted to ask you a few questions about your album," he pulls the vinyl cover of my album from underneath his table and shows it to the camera and audience.

"Sure, I guess that's what I'm here for," I say while shrugging my shoulders and smiling. The audience laughs at my wittiness.

"So what is the album about?"

Oh boy, here it comes. I can practically see Mum chewing her nails backstage. I freeze for a moment and take a deep breath.


James knows about my story, so he's extra patient with me taking a few seconds to answer the question.

"This album is very dear to my heart, mostly because it is so incredibly personal to me, but it's also emotional like you said earlier. It's about my trauma that I have experienced throughout my teen years, and me working through the trauma and then eventually ending up on the brighter side," I answer with a smile, almost exactly the way I practiced it with Mum.

"And how did you come about the name 'July' for the album?" James asks.

"July was the month that my entire life changed. It was when I lost someone very important in my life but gained someone in return that filled the gap that was missing in my heart. And they did more than just healing my heart; they caused my heart to overflow with love and gratitude," I say, trying my best not to cry, but luckily, no one has noticed.

"All of us need someone like that in our lives. But if I may ask, which July was it?" James asks.

"July 2019."

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