15: Family Week

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Adele's POV:

We finally came to the conclusion that we were going to stay a week at home as a family. We managed to get Angelo to go online with his schoolwork so that he wouldn't fall behind. We made a 'no social media and no friends' rule, including for Simon and I, to sort out our minds.

Even though we weren't on social media, we still heard a lot of information about what was being said about us in the press, due to the news channels on the TV. It wasn't looking pretty for us. It has been reported on Fox News that the video of Lia and me at James' house was viewed over 100 million times, and it has only been 4 days. This video has gone more viral than my "Hello" video.

"Yes, Jonathan, I know," I said into my phone, trying my best to not let my anger get the best of me. "I just don't think it's wise to address the situation now," I explained to him. I stayed quiet for a while, listening to his plan. I sighed as he finished, realising that he was probably right. "Okay, I'll chat with you later." As I hung up the phone, Simon came into the room. I lay my body flat onto the bed and covered my face with a pillow while groaning.

"What's wrong, babe?" Simon asked as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"I just spoke to Jonathan." That's all I said, and I knew he knew what I meant. "Oof, you probably have a headache by now," he joked.

"Tell me about it." I muffled into the pillow.

"Well, what did he say?" He asked, filled with curiosity.

"He suggested that we should address the situation as soon as possible," I said as I lifted the pillow off my face.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

I just gave him the dirtiest glare, and he put his hands up in surrender while chuckling. "I'm just saying, it's already bad now, why not just kill two birds with one stone?" He suggested, and he kind of wasn't wrong. This situation is bad, but if we leave it for too long, we might extend this agonizing process even further.

"I guess you're right." I huffed. Simon gasped overdramatically, which startled me a little. "Me? Right? Laurie, are you sure you're not sick?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh shut up." I threw the pillow in his face. This time he acted like he was hurt, and his jaw dropped. "That hurt." He pouted. "You're such a baby." I cackled when I threw another pillow at him. "Oh, you're getting it, Adkins." He said as he started to tickle me.

"No! You know that's my weakness! Please, stop!" I cackled as his fingers gently tickled my sides. "Simon! Stop!" I yelled while cackling. I was struggling to breathe at this point.

"Okay, fine." He stopped tickling me and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. "You're such a d*ckhead sometimes." I said with a cheeky smile. "I know, but I'm the only d*ckhead you love." He responded with a proud smirk. "That seems pretty accurate." I said with a smirk, quickly planting a kiss on his lips again, but this time he wrapped his arms around my waist, intending for more, but I quickly disentangled myself from him, and with a cheeky smile, I said, "I think I'm going to pay my daughter a visit." I stood up. He groaned in annoyance and just let me leave. I cackled as I left the room.

'That poor man,' I thought to myself.

Lia's POV:

I was busy on my phone scrolling through TikTok, watching almost all the videos about Mum and I. None of them were about my album. I read every single comment, watched every single video, but nothing was about my music, and the ones that were about my music included Mum.

I heard a gentle knock on my door and quickly hid my phone under my pillow, acting like I was sleeping.

"Lia?" I heard Mum say. She walks into my room, and I hear her gently say "Aww." I try my best not to smile at Mum being so adorable. I thought that she would just leave my room after seeing me 'sleep,' but she rather shook my shoulder gently, trying to wake me up.

"Li." Mum whispered. I gently open my eyes, acting like I just woke up from a deep slumber. I stretch my arms and groan as I fully open my eyes.

"Hey, Bubs," Mum said with a smile, smoothing down my messy hair. "I'm sorry for waking you up, but we need to have a serious chat," she said with a sigh.

"About?" I said, sitting up straight in my bed. "Well, Jonathan called..."

"Oh no," I chipped in, already knowing what he said.

"I know Bubs, but maybe it is for the best."

"But Mum, I'm not ready yet." My defensive mode immediately kicked in. I didn't want to face the world yet.

"I know, baby, but that's why I'm telling you now, so that you can prepare yourself. Jonathan wants us to address the situation by the end of the week."

"End of the week!" I yelled. "That's in 3 days." I was beginning to get scared; I really don't think I can face the world yet, not after reading all the comments.

"I know Bubs, but the sooner we do it, the sooner this storm will blow over," Mum explained, and I guess she was right. If we keep neglecting it, then it's just going to extend this whole process. I don't say anything for a few seconds, causing Mum to feel tense.

"Fine." I muffled. "Really?" Mum asked shocked, yet still with a hint of excitement. "Yeah, the quicker we announce it, the sooner it will be over." I said, trying to convince myself that that is the truth.

"Okay, I'm going to call Jonathan right now." Mum said as she got up from the bed and walked out of my room.

Did I just make a huge mistake?

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