18: Stupid Bladder

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Lia's POV:

Ten million times. The interview has been watched ten million times over the course of two days. My name has been tagged in social media posts over three million times, and 'Adele's daughter' over one million. I find it hard to comprehend all of this. If I were just a normal artist, starting their career, this phenomenon would've been very unlikely to have happened, but I guess it's a head start. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

Once again, Mum and I have been isolated in the house ever since the interview premiered, but it's not out of fear this time. We knew we needed to cherish our privacy while we still had a decent amount of it. Angelo has shown us all types of videos that he's seen on TikTok about Mum and me. He's read to us a few of the comments that people have been posting, and most of them seem to be positive. Most of them...

I didn't expect the internet to go this easy on me. I knew there was going to be a lot of hate coming from the media and press, but hopefully, it won't be as bad as I imagine it to be.

"Morning," Dad said, walking into the kitchen while whistling cheerfully. "Why do you look so disoriented?" He chuckled while pouring coffee into a cup for himself.

"That's a dumb question to ask," Mum said as she also entered the kitchen. "I'm just thinking," I said, putting a smile on my face.

"Thinking about what?" Dad asked as he took a loud sip of his black, bitter coffee. "Thinking about how you could drink your coffee like that," I said, trying to lighten up my own mood.

"Hey, it's not that bad. You get used to it," he said, becoming defensive of how he drinks his coffee.

"Honey, you need to remember that he worked in New York for a couple of years. There they just run into any coffee shop and say, 'Black,'" Mum explained, using an American accent when she said the word, 'black.'

"That is not true," Dad said, becoming overly defensive and his mouth hanging open in disbelief. "I just like my coffee black." He took another sip to prove his point.

"Yeah, we believe you," I said in an obvious tone, which caused Mum to cackle. "What is the mission for today?" I asked, wanting to get out of the house desperately.

"Well, I don't have anything planned, so we can do whatever you want to."

"I'm in the mood to go shopping."

"Shopping?" Mum cocked an eyebrow with a smirk. "Yes, shopping," I said, taking a sip of my tea.

"Are you sure that's a wise idea?" Mum asked while resting her hand on her hip.

"Yes! Please, I need to get out of this house," I moaned like a brat.

"Fine, we can go to the mall."

"Yes!" I fisted my hands into a ball.

"But you're coming with," Mum said to Dad while he was sipping on his coffee. He side-eyed Mum mid-sip and almost started to choke. "No, no, no, you know I hate shopping."

"Please," Mum begged with a pouty lip. "Adele, no," he said, trying his best not to smile. "Adele?" Mum said confused.

"What?" I asked confused. "He never calls me Adele," Mum immediately replies, obviously irritated by Dad. "He usually calls me Delly, Laurie, Baby. But never Adele, unless there's something wrong or he's trying to be serious," Mum added.

"And I'm trying to be serious, I'm not going."

"Please, Dad." I pouted my lips. I knew he couldn't say no to me, even if he tried.

Dad starts to groan in irritation, "Come on, that's so unfair."

"Yay!! Let's go get dressed," Mum said as she took Dad's hand and pulled him towards their room. "What about my coffee?" Dad asks Mum.

"F*ck your bitter coffee," Mum said. Dad just chuckles at Mum as he continues to follow her.


As we arrived at the mall, I suddenly became very aware of all the eyes that were on us, which caused me to become very tense. But the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins overpowered my anxiety and the wondering eyes. I walked beside Mum and Dad who were walking hand-in-hand. Who would've thought these two buggers were divorced a couple of years ago? Not me.

We've decided to completely ignore the whispers and pictures that were being taken of us. We were just trying our best to enjoy our day.

Suddenly I had the urge to go to the bathroom. "Mum, I need to use the bathroom."

"There is one on the first floor," she said, pointing at the entrance of the restroom over the balcony. "Okay, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Mum asked. "No, it's fine, it's close enough," I said with a smile. "Alright, we'll be in Starbucks."

I nod at her and hand my shopping bags to Dad.

As I started walking towards the restroom, my bladder felt like it was about to explode with every passing second, so I decided to pick up my pace. I press the button on the escalator and patiently wait for the door to open. Finally, when the door of the escalator opens, I step inside. Luckily, no one else was in the small box.

I cross my legs over one another and hold onto the side of the escalator's wall. I try my absolute best to not lose my sh*t as my bladder demands release. As soon as the door opened, I walked straight ahead, not even looking up properly. Suddenly, I bump into something hard and drop my phone.

Disoriented, I pick up my phone, and I hear a deep voice say, "I'm so sorry, let me help you." I felt the stranger grab my arm gently, but yet firmly as he helped me up. I don't know if it was just me, but the feeling of his fingertips sent electric volts through my pumping veins.

I slowly face my head up, only to be met with one of the most gorgeous human beings I've ever seen. Still being a bit disoriented, I stare a bit too long into his piercing blue eyes. I start to examine his face, being left in awe of his perfection. His face was sculpted like a Greek God, and his skin was tanned, the surface of it looking like gold.

"Are you alright, Miss?" He asked in a posh English accent. He must've realised I've been staring for too long. Quickly, my cheeks start to heat up as I'm brought back to reality.

I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. "Yes. I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I said quite embarrassed.

"No worries, Miss...?" He said, intending me to say my name. But I was so fascinated by his looks that I started to stare at him for a bit too long again, until I was snapped back to reality. "Oh sorry, um.. Emilia," I replied. I didn't want to give him my actual name, firstly because I don't know the guy and secondly he'd surely know who I was if I said Lia.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss Emilia," he said with a charming smile that could make my knees go weak, but the reason my knees were becoming so weak was not because of his smile, but because of my bladder. "I'm so sorry, but I have to go," I said quickly, not thinking clearly as I ran out of the escalator.

"Wait!" He yelled, but my mind was only heading in one direction. The bathroom.

As soon as I arrived in the bathroom, I sighed in relief. "Stupid bladder." I muttered to myself. I finally find a stall and relieve myself. It was only at this very moment that I realised what just went down. I've never seen a guy so handsome in my life. He seemed a bit older than me, perhaps by 5 years. He was much taller than me too, but that might not be as impressive because I am incredibly short. Even though he was wearing clothes, I could feel his arms were sculpted like marble when he helped me up and I could only imagine the rest of his body was the exact same. I wouldn't say I have a specific type, but damn. Even his dark brown hair and manky beard was intact, which showed that he looked after himself well. Ugh, and the way that he smelled...

"Lia! Get your head out of the clouds." I said to myself while knocking the side of my head a couple of times. "What's wrong with me?" I said out loud. Knock it off. I'm probably never going to see this man again.


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