10: Morning People

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Adele's POV:

I heard my phone's alarm go off at 5 am. I turned it off as quickly as possible, trying not to wake up Simon. As soon as the alarm was safely turned off, I groaned and covered my face with the duvet. After a little while, I carefully detangled myself from Simon and made my way to the bathroom. Today is Lia's big day. She's going to have her first interview, and I'm more than excited for her. It might not be under the conditions that we would've wanted her first interview to be, but I'm glad that James is the one that is interviewing her. I know that she'll feel comfortable and safe with him doing it.

As I finished my morning business, I quietly opened our bedroom door and walked downstairs to Lia's room. Quietly peeking through the crack of the door, I saw that it was still pitch black in her room and that there was no sign of her being awake yet. I gently opened her door and walked towards her bed. I sat down on the edge of her mattress and softly rubbed her shoulder.

"Bubs, it's time to wake up," I whispered.

She started to squint her eyes, probably thinking that she's going to murder the person that woke her up. When her eyes were almost fully open and she realised it was me, she groaned and covered her face with the duvet.

"Five more minutes, Blue," she said sassily. I just giggled at her and allowed her to sleep for five more minutes.

I went to the kitchen and made both of us a cup of coffee, even though we are both big tea drinkers. We really needed the caffeine this morning because both she and I aren't morning people at all.

After finishing making the coffee, I went back to Lia's room because it had been way past five minutes already. I walked into her room, and it was once again pitch black.

"Okay, Missy, five minutes is up," I said, yanking the duvet off of her.

"Mum!" She yelled in irritation. "Shh, your father and Angelo are still sleeping," I scolded her.

"I don't give two sh*ts," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes and stomped her feet all the way to her bathroom. Her hair was a complete mess, but I knew that she didn't care at all.

"I'll let that attitude slip this time because I know you're not a morning person," I said as I made her bed up for her because I know it's going to take a while before she's actually ready to go.

"Yeah, whatever," her voice echoed through the bathroom.

"Watch it, I won't let every snarky comment slip," I scolded as I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I'm sorry, just give me a few minutes to properly wake up," she said as she washed her face.

As Lia got ready and took a shower, I went to my bedroom and got dressed for the day. A little fancier than usual because we're going to James' studio, but at least I'm not the one getting interviewed. As I finished getting dressed and putting on light makeup, I heard Simon groaning from our bed.

I walked over to him and realised that he's woken up. "Baby, why are you awake so early? It's still dark outside," Simon mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Sorry that I woke you up, babe. It's Li's interview today, and we need to be there by 7 because the interview is at 10. So she needs to get dressed, make-up done, and go through the questions again," I explained to him as I combed my fingers through his messy hair.

"Isn't the show called 'The Late Late Show with James Corden'? Why the hell is it so early?" He groaned as he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed to sit on the edge.

"It gets aired late at night, that doesn't mean the interviews happen at the same time, stupid," I giggled.

"Who you calling stupid, huh?" Simon said as he started to tickle my sides. "No stop! You're going to wake up Angelo!" I said, trying my best to suppress my cackles.

"No, you're going to wake up Angelo," Simon replied with a cheeky smirk.

"Konecki! Stop!" I cackled. "Okay fine, but only because I love you," he said as he finally stopped tickling me. I playfully slapped his chest and said, "I love you too, stupid." I said, quickly pecking his lips and getting up from our bed.

I grabbed my bag and made my way towards our bedroom door. "We'll probably be back by mid-afternoon. I love you," I said, blowing a kiss at Simon.

"I love you too," he said and turned over to continue sleeping. I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen. Lia was already done and was sitting by the kitchen's island, finishing her coffee.

"Ready to go?" I asked her, checking that I got everything in my bag. "Yeah," she said, hopping off the chair and making her way to the garage.

As we got into the car, I debated whether I should ask her this question now or after the interview. I didn't want to upset her, but it's been bothering me since last night. So I've decided to just go for it.

"Li," I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Mm," she hummed, indicating that I have her attention.

"Can I ask you a question...?"

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