16: The Strongest

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Lia's POV:

"Do you honestly think it's such a good idea to go back on HIS show again? We could just announce it on social media," I asked Mum, concerned that this whole idea was going to get a massive negative backlash.

"I think it's the perfect idea, and Jonathan actually came up with it. You and James can 'finish' your interview, and then he invites a surprise guest midway through the show. I think it's perfect. Plus, we could announce it towards the end of the interview," Mum suggested. It does sound like an average idea, but I think we should make it more exciting.

"Mum, you do realise that people are going to freak out when they find out you've been hiding a daughter for 20 years. I think we should make the reveal more exciting, even though I'm kind of dreading it," I said while rolling my eyes.

"I know you are, Bubs, but yeah, that might be a good idea. How would we do it, though?" She asked. I think for a moment, holding my chin while concentrating. Suddenly, a light bulb switches on in my mind. I snap my fingers, indicating I've got an idea. "How about we do the same game again because James and I never got to finish it."

"That could work," Mum said, sounding pleased with the idea. "We could ask James if he could work the 'are you related' question into the game."

"But we shouldn't make it obvious like 'are you Adele's daughter.' That's too boring," I added.

"We should make it like a hint. Not completely addressing the situation, but still confirming it," Mum said. I once again think for a moment, trying to come up with a cool idea.

"What if James asks, 'so whose traits did Lia get, yours or Simon's?' It's not obvious, but it's a clear indication that I'm your child."

"That's perfect, Li! Wow, look at you being all clever," Mum said while giving me a high five. "Yeah, I got that trait from Dad," I said with a smirk. Mum playfully smacks my arm. "Ow," I said in an obvious tone.

"Yeah, that's what you get," Mum said with her eyes narrowed, but also wearing a smirk. "I never said you're not smart," I laughed.

"Yeah, but you indicated it," she exaggerated in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, I got my talents and beauty from you," I said with a childish smile. "Aww thanks baby, but don't be cocky," Mum joked.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious."

Two days later...

Adele's POV:

Once again, we met up at James' house to discuss everything, but this time we made sure that there would be no paparazzi. We actually wanted this to be a surprise for the public. We didn't want to make a big deal out of this, but if I put myself into the world's perspective and my daydreamer's perspective, it kind of is a huge deal. I wouldn't consider myself one of the biggest artists or celebrities in the world because I don't really want to envision that image of myself in my head; it totally freaks me out. But as much as I hate to admit it, millions of people do love to know my business, which is extremely frustrating. That's why we're trying to make this reveal special because Lia deserves it. The hate she's been getting from the public is totally unacceptable, and I will make that very vocal as soon as we announce our relations.

I heard a knock on my door, snapping me out of my daydream. "Mum, you ready to go?" Lia asked from my doorframe. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second!"

Today was the day of the interview, so we needed to be at James' studio early again. I walk up to Simon who was currently sleeping, due to it still being early. I pecked his cheek and whispered, "Bye, handsome."

I walk to Angelo's room as well, checking if he's still sleeping and not to my surprise, he was asleep. You could hear his soft snores as he lays on his back, just like his father. A smile creeps its way onto my face as I softly walk towards him. I kiss him on the cheek, then on his forehead. "See you later, Peanut." I smirk to myself, knowing that if he heard me calling him 'Peanut,' he would've scolded me.

I finally make my way to the car, only to see a very anxious Lia sitting in the car. She's chewing her nails, and her leg is jumping up and down at a high speed. I get into the car, seeing that she still hasn't snapped out of her daydream. I place my hand on her jumping thigh, which instantly causes her leg to come to a halt. She slowly turns her head towards me, fear and anxiety evident in her eyes. I make sure that she looks at me while I say these next few words.

"You're going to be okay," I said softly. She doesn't respond, but I could tell her eyes were starting to get glossy. She once again turns her head, but I instantly grab her chin and make eye contact with her again. I cup her cheek, making sure she won't look away. "You know why I know you're going to be okay?" I asked her. She just shakes her head gently.

"Because you're the strongest person that I know." Her eyes become more glossy, but this time her smile slowly creeps onto her face, and her cute little dimples appear on her cheeks. "I mean that from the bottom of my heart, Bubs. There is nothing that you can't overcome." Her bottom lip starts to judder. She knows that I'm referring to her traumatic past. If this girl was able to survive these past 4 years, then she can truly overcome anything.

I bring her into a tight hug, and she buries her face into my neck. We stay like that for a few moments before she pulls away from the hug. I gently wipe her tears away with my thumb, staring at her with so much pride in my heart. "Thanks Mum, that really helped a lot." She let out a breathy laugh as she continued to wipe her tears away.

"I'm only stating the facts, Honey," I said with a proud smile.

"Now, let's go tell the world who you really are," I said as I started the car's engine.

"Adele's daughter," she stated with an eye roll.

"No," I said bluntly.

Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Lia Blue f*cking Adkins," I said proudly while putting my sunglasses on. I turn to see her reaction, and what I saw was something that money could never buy. It was something that I haven't seen in my little girl for a while.

I saw her confidence being restored.

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