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jungwon was on his way to his class, staring  at his schedule not looking where he was going. " What my classes are on the other side of campus ughh" jungwon whined

Not wanting to walk so jungwon started to run so he won't get to class late. He then got to the road he needed to cross to get go his building, but little did he know what was coming up HONK HONK jungwon heard as he looked up and stepped back as he felt a hand grabbed his wrist spinning him until they're both on the ground. "Hey jungwon you could've gotten hurt" the mystery boy said," You know my name" jungwon said looking up. "Oh heeseung hyung" jungwon called. "Are you trying to kill yourself? Crossing the street without looking" Heeseung asked. "I'm sorry I didn't know it was coming," Jungwon said." Forget it atleast you didn't get hurt," heeseung said while jungwon cleaned him self off. He felt something burning on his elbow, he didn't want to worry the Silver haired dude Infront of him so he said nothing. "Are you ok?" Heeseung asked seeing jungwon's face reaction."yea I'm ok it's just a little scratch" jungwon said. "Just a scratch" heeseung said with a chuckle."you look like you're about to cry" heeseung said again with a smile."here let me help you" heeseung said as they both got up from the ground "I'll clean it with some water ok" heeseung said grabbing a water bottle pouring the water on jungwon's elbow,jungwon looked up watching how close their faces are and stared at the handsome boy Infront of him." Thanks for helping me hyung" jungwon said still staring."come on let me take you to the nurses office" heeseung  said as he looked up noticing that their faces were close." It's ok hyung I can find my way" jungwon said moving his hand away. "Stop denying me and let's go" heeseung said grabbing jungwon's wrist and start walking. jungwon blushes again because heeseung was holding his hands. Heeseung squeezed jungwon's hands making sure the red haired boy doesn't let go.

Time skipped

They arrived the the nurses office "excuse me miss Jung? Can you take a look at my little brother he fell on his way to class?," heeseung asked. " "Brother?" Jungwon thought as he felt his heart sink.
"Sure" miss Jung said
"Won come on" heeseung said squeezing the boys hands once more."thank you heeseung hyung " jungwon said cutely."but what about your leg?" Jungwon asked again looking innocent." Don't worry about me won let miss Jung take care of you first" heeseung said with a smile.
"Okay " jungwon replied with his dimpled smile. "you can take a sit in there mr?" Miss Jung asked. "Park ,park Jungwon" jungwon said "okay you can go now" miss Jung said.
"Let her take care of you"heeseung said as he let go of jungwon's hands. "Thank you again hyung" jungwon said as he left to the room."miss Jung can you tell jungwon I needed to head  soccer tryouts and I'll send sunghoon for him"heeseung said."sure I'll let him know"miss Jung said. "Thank you" heeseung thanked the nurse and left.

Time skipped

"Mr park your brother said he had to leave for soccer practice and he'll send some sunghoon for you" miss Jung said."He not my brother" jungwon said. "Wonnie" he heard, "But  he is" jungwon answered. "Sunghoon hyung" jungwon called as he went to hug his brother. " Have you been waiting long?" Sunghoon asked "no I just finished and I'm starving" jungwon said holding his stomach. "Ok let's go eat" sunghoon said as the both left the office.

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